
I think it's disappointing mostly because of how little evolution the game has from prior iterations. I think part of that can be laid at the limitations of the current consoles and the insane scope of these games. I think a bigger problem is their failure to address things like characterization and writing that

To me, it's the brotherhood that makes no sense. The idea of warrior monks seeking to preserve and secure technology is an interesting one—one part Canticle for Lebowitz one part starship troopers. But it seems obvious to me that the brotherhood focusing more on acquiring tech than the part where it's meant to stop

I'd rather have Billy Wilder write my game than Raymond Carver (and I like Carver).

I think a lot of that stuff is pretty rare for an online game. And as you progress through the game, you'll likely join a guild. And many of the guilds are great on this (there is a huge thread on the official forums for LGBT friendly guilds for example). Hell, I started a guild that has a 0 tolerance policy on creepy

Gilgamesh is an integral part of a endgame sidequest change involving someone known as Hildebrand. Typhon and Ultros and Enkindu also play key parts.

Still can't beat Yig or Cthulu or the planetary alignment.

I played a lot of FFXIV with a female avatar (and a female name), and I only rarely got weird attentions. But that may be that there is more of an expectation of gender bending in MMORPGs. And I did notice that irl women did get unwelcome attention regularly.

I mean I like it. And I can't tell if the dialogue makes it better or worse.

The character is one of the best Bioware have ever made.

The brunt of my ire is reserved for the combat. The tactical camera is not fun to use and not being able to use healing or programmable AI makes it all seem very lazy. If Bioware doesn't really care about all that RPG stuff, why not just make a game like Until Dawn/Heavy Rain/Telltale adventure game?

That reminds me of how Iron Bull is supposed to be some amazing warrior. But every time he tries to fight he almost immediately gets hurt and uses all of my health potions. I found that he had by far the most incompetent AI.

Cool. Well if anyone is on Goblin lemme know. I don't play much anymore, but I have a shit ton of gil that I'm willing to give away.

What server are you on?

I wish more games would have drunken shenanigans.

Dragon Age: Inquisition really bummed me out. Everyone talks about how the characters (and they are great). And it really is a giant step forward in representation in games.

I've played some interactive story games with my girlfriend: We finished our first playthrough of Until Dawn (only lost two characters). That game is a lot of fun for a Heavy Rain game. And it is a pretty brilliant idea. We also started Life is Strange (at the beginning of the third episode). It's twee as fuck, and

It stinks.

This is the story of Avery in chains.

Dios mio.

You think audiences will reject a movie directed by Spielberg about 80s nostalgia? I have a feeling that if anyone could transcend the mediocre source material it would be Spielberg.