
Not to mention, that what they're achieving with this is that future generations will associate Jews with being violent invaders and perpetrators of massacres, rather than all the prosecution that their endured throughout the years. It's a disservice to their ancestors that were actually marginalized and murdered.


You'd be a lot better than most, however.

Not the same thing...would you consider yourself a shitty driver if you crashed it six times in twelve years while standing in the infield controlling it with a pair of joysticks?

Yup. You push the envelope and shit's gonna happen.

A spin is just a crash that didn't hit anything. Ever spin?

I never flew R/C, but we flew much U-control when we were kids.

Yep. There's no story. It's almost entirely buzzwords and political rhetoric.

Michael Schumacher, the greatest race car driver of all time, had no fewer than 30 crashes in his 18 year Formula One career.

That is what I was saying. In my opinion the article is heavily written to sway the reader into thinking Temkin is guilty. Also many people are choosing to boycott his company based off of a very sparse accusation where further evidence is needed.

Ummm...did you actually read the link to the accuser's post? How on Earth to you see her words as "her story in full"? All she does is repeat the accusation while offering no details.

Except that we have no evidence with which to judge the merits of these accusations.None.

Me, too. As a woman, I feel for her if this is true. Being sexually assaulted sucks. But part of me questions why she's bringing it up now. She says she doesn't want to push it any further. So why mention it at all? To let people know? Why didn't she let people know back when it happened? Because he wasn't sort of

Someone is suppose to be innocent until proven guilty but that is not always true in the court of public opinion.

Sorry for the bad news, but the creator of Apples To Apples was an SS officer in World War II. All our favorite games are made by monsters.

Isn't feeling like you're a terrible person half the point of the game?

One should not brush off allgegations like this.

He pushes the limits of that plane, and crashes happen to everyone. I'm confident he's a very good pilot, but as with anything else when you operate at the limit you are bound to have problems at some point.

6 times in 12 years....

Good God do not watch that second video. Most annoying announcer on earth. Reminded me of Governor Pappy from Oh Brother Where Art Thou: