
@Kizzie - snarky comments aside, I'm sorry my education didn't endow me with the understanding of Puerto Rican pride. Since I'm of Mexican decent and because it seems that Puerto Ricans couldn't care less, I never really cared enough. Maybe if they were really into becoming a state or independent I would then maybe

@anacervantes Incredibly insightful thanks. I had always heard the about referendums on statehood coming up in PR but they always failed and I could never understand why.

I'll never for the life of me understand Puerto Rican pride. I mean I do to a certain level, but whenever I see someone sporting a flag on their bag or the rear view it to me is akin to sporting the flag of Montana or Idaho or New York. Puerto Rico to me is just another state that hasn't for some reason or another

Worse than Jim Crow? Doubtful. But then I'm not a southern bigot so....

I'll be sure to pour a little out from my 40 later and catch the next marathon I see on Halmark, Oxygen or any other channel that have those ladies.

Wait.... that shit was real or is my first cup not strong enough?

Wow.... she's got balls. now.

Even more determined to shed the rest of that winter weight now...

1) Thanks, Bradley Cooper. For learning another language and speaking it well and by extension making us look a little better abroad. The host was apparently stunned judging by the amount of times she complimented you.

You know, you're right! And now I wish I hadn't gone back and looked.

I'll be happy when they come out with another way to test for gonorrhea. If I ever get another cotton tip up my tip again I'll destroy the exam room.

That and getting them to mow the lawn and keep the house tidy.

So no one else thinks this kid looks like a boy? I know sometimes it is hard to tell, but this kid just looks like a boy to me. I don't understand what the big secret is.

"The Star Wars actress revealed to Oprah that she receives electroshock treatment..."

That's SO INSANE! There's honestly not a more efficient way of doing this?!?!

I laughed HYSTERICALLY when I read of a N. Korean cuisine restaurant opening in Dubai. Now I may need stitches. I honestly felt bad about the food thing though. I thought, people in Haiti are eating sand and yet N. Korea has cuisine?

I read this to my roommate who's a young professional woman. "Who are these women they're talking about? I dumped two sullen asshats. Nah, I'll take the one with the smile"

You know, I always figured undersea cables were how they did it but just figured they must have a more high tech way of connecting the continents. Google should come out with an undersea map showing all the extension cables running from country to country - continent to continent. Makes me think of a slum where you
