Thomas Crane

The fight club will be forgotten like Norrie's surviving mom. I was tweeting about this show as it aired last night. I couldn't help but think that Walter White would just clown Maxine. He'd take her leverage and make it his own.  At this point,  with the dome in place, it doesn't matter if their secrets come out.

A berserk Jesse is not where I saw this episode going. I think fans are obsessing over the wrong thing. Mainly what is Walt doing on his 52nd birthday is a red herring. What matters is what is going on in these few days. I hope Holly lives. The next episode is named Rabid Dog. It might not turn out well for any one.

Oh good! A whole new generation of young comedians I can ignore.

Modern technology makes the themes of artistic integrity obsolete.

With the internet these days, you can watch women with her measurements doing that stuff for real. Most of the time you can watch them live. If any of these are on Netflix streaming, I'll give them a shot.

I was old enough to watch this when I was a kid in the 80s. It was aired  on Fox 5 in NYC. I think episodes like this were really tied to 80s sitcom television. Think about Family Matters trying to do the same type of storyline with its cast. Urkel being molested would have been a powder keg.

Audition for American Idol or The X Factor. If you win, you'll get your wish.

Oprah bitch slaps a Black Panther. That's important. So is this video of this guy telling Oprah he hates her for ignoring him.

This is the same complaint that a lot of comedians have. They got to a level of success trusting their instincts. Then a suit, who doesn't know comedy, tells them how to be funny.  The purpose is the same. The meddling is done so that execs can minimize the risk that the project will be a flop. If In Utero didn't

I think it was the AV Club that wrote about how Duck Dynasty filled the void for "redneck" sitcoms. It's a pretty astute observation. Frankly I am surprised the numbers aren't higher. If you look at the representation of regions on television for fiction, the Southeast (including Florida) is woefully

It's Steve's baby, duh. Whoozits is preggers now. He also had sex with Casper's sister.

I am pumped for Heroes of Cosplay. Cynically I hope the ladies compare boob jobs in addition to sewing techniques. For the females, being busty is part of the gig. The men all have to be body builders. So they'll compare lifting regiments in addition to creating resin weapons.

I miss when the show was just batshit crazy. Adventure Time shouldn't be a total treatise on the struggles of coping with maturity. This season of Adventure Time isn't fun.  It's kind of a bummer.

Low Winter Sun is super gritty. Detroit is a mess.

That's true. He stole it from Walt's house. Also the GPS is inadmissible. Hank didn't have a warrant. A criminal case against Walt could be thrown out because of that. Hank's never been one for the 4th Amendment.

Here's the discussion I want. What's Hank's case against Walt? Essentially he's got a napkin sketch and a book of poetry. Lydia is a ticking time bomb of panic, but she's not connected in any way to Walt that Hank knows about. Just because Walt's got a book from Gayle (Gail, Gale?) it doesn't mean anything. The two

This reminds me of the Sealab 2021 creators talking about people asking why they don't write redeeming female characters. Their response was "We don't know how to write redeeming male characters either." There are no white knights on Breaking Bad. Anna Gunn does a fantastic job with Skyler. Her character is deeply

Hank's not the kind of guy that truly believes in due process. All he's got is a book and a crude drawing. He's got less then nothing and Walt knows it.

"Odd Future are really earnest, emo kids, and have a millennial youthful sensibility, and that’s what I want to bring to this. "
I can't help but think that's a line from some Hollywood marketing pitch parody. Who the fuck talks like that?

Here's a more cynical first impression of this movie. It's written for Chinese audiences to detail the benefits of their own society.