
You are a BALD FACED LIAR because several of us, your 'friends ' have specifically told you we felt FOX was a lot more fair and unbiased compared to the fake networks YOU seem to love. Don't drag us into your self-induced fairy tale and then lie about what we've told you! 

ABC specifically found and edited old footage to fit a fake, dishonest narrative in order to discredit our President.  They just got caught. 

Both Llamas and Panell should be FIRED and personally brought up on criminal charges for failing to vet and verify this video. If blame goes any higher up the food chain. then all those involved in such an unforgivable hoax should be criminally charged as well.

Wow. Pure hate and ignorance on display here. Either your parents failed you miserably or you are a natural born, brainless, slack-jawed, ganga-fueled product of social media and public education. You are so delusional, ignorant, uninformed as nd brainwashed that you are no longer capable of rational thought or the

Ccensorship is not only ‘mean’ but it is illegal. Unamerican, and unconstitutional. Leftists are mentally incapable of forming rational, intelligent thoughts, and cannot support their pitiful views and arguments with facts, so yes, they welcome censorship of the truth and the facts.

Your frequent use of profanity only goes to prove the point that leftwing extremists do not have the maturity, brainpower, literacy, or rationality to understand why guns are not the problem here. Also, the 3 most frequent ‘gun episodes’ were conducted by leftists just like yourself. Antifa members/supporters who

‘To be clear’ you don’t need as PHD to know that Google, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and others WELCOME violent, intolerant content and WILL NOT CENSOR IT . . as long as it supports extreme leftwing, anti-American, anti-conservative views and opinions. Google, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are gleefully silencing

Good idea! Then I will take services and products from blacks and not pay them either! Fair is fair! MAKE THEM FEEL THAT FUCKIN' LOSS! I will also rescind affirmative action and ALL the special black privileges. MAKE EM FEEL THAT FUCKIN' LOSS!

I am highly offended by people of ANY race who would deny me the right to fly any damn flag I wanted. You blacks have had it way too easy. YOU WERE NEVER SLAVES! GET OVER IT!!! WE WERE NEVER SLAVE OWNERS! FUCKIN GET OVER IT!!

Well im offended by affirmative action and reverse discrimination and all this talk of reparations which is BULLSHIT. The blacks cause all their own problems and think that whiter owes them a living. I think we should start eliminating liberals of every color. LOCK AND LOAD!

Amen! Its because they want all the rights and dont want anyone else to have the same rights

Excuse me????? The true racists were this couple! They think they can have their Thug Lives Matter signs and their Obama and Clinton stickers, buy OH NO, if we whites have opinions other than THEIRS they throw temper tantrums and demand the double standard! Im sick of liberals and all the shit they cause!


Well guess what? These intolerant people have him drive 200 miles to do a job and they would deny him his Constitutional right of freedom of expression??? His political views have nothing to do with his job skills! And he was polite! These evil people would have had a cow if he’d gotten there and objected to their

If you view killing enemy invaders as a bad thing, you need to die right along with them!

The quickest way for a person to die by my hand would be to harm a cat, kitten or other animal to train a pit bill. Yes, I would gleefully kill them and their dogs.

Hardly a conspiracy. The only collusion that happened was indeed between the Russians and their agents and the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign and foundation. Just stop trying to spin another narrative. The DNC and their evil minions are as corrupt and dirty as it gets.