(You’re missing an important variable: the NFL has significantly cracked down on how tackles are made, as well as late hits that are more dangerous because they’re unexpected, over the last decade plus.
(You’re missing an important variable: the NFL has significantly cracked down on how tackles are made, as well as late hits that are more dangerous because they’re unexpected, over the last decade plus.
Why can’t this be ok on its face? In a circumstance where abject poverty sprouts a multimillionaire who has the same friends from childhood, what fundamentally differentiates this from the parallel of privileged households who golf with the county judge?
What is it with assholes who think everything is a zero sum game. No “thinspo” people, there is no backlash against you just because we are moving closer towards all body types acceptance. Furthermore, whatever shit you get is not because you are thin, it’s because you viciously ridicule anybody who doesn’t uphold…
What a shitty time for anyone to have a Facebook account and a family.
I read a yahoo article about this case and decided to read the comments (I know, know!), so many people were commenting things like: