
Fantastic post.

I am irrationally upset about the number of hits some of these entries have. If you want to write an article about bands who have several hits but are primarily known for one song, then write that article.

Interesting it shook out that way because Laurie not going through at the last minute it would be parallel to Nora backing out at the last minute (if she was lying.)

I've been wondering if we will get an episode about how he and Laurie got to this point. Been watching some of Season 2 over again, and he was such a presence back then- now he is just sort of there.

I think in France they would say he is a groweur pas de showeur

I kept wondering that!



I will say that I felt dumb for not predicting it after thinking about the setup but they did such a nice job of distracting the audience (and Jimmy) with Chuck's breakdown and foil-lined walls that I never expected he would be using an electronic device. Plus I thought Chuck's woe-is-me I don't deserve to be a

What I still can't believe is that they trotted out the old "secretly taped confession" trick and it still surprised and delighted me. I mean, that's how crusty old Dean Pritchard got his comeuppance in Old School, yet it still felt fresh.

I kind of thought the same thing but since Frank said it and the gang hated it I was okay with it because it kind of is something your dad might still think is hilarious.

My assumption was that Hank was out for a good long while and both Peggy and Dodd were gone. (Or maybe Dodd was gone and Peggy was hiding.) It would have taken Bear and his crew a while to get the station, then some time for the call to backup, which at the time, Lou said would take at least an hour, and by the time

Ok I don't want any serious comic book spoilers but can someone please give me a hint as to whether these folks are going to get a shower soon?

So he realized he had murdered so many people and caused so much death and destruction, that the only way he could save his kids was to murder a bunch more people then kill himself. Well done.

Oh my God is Carrie surrounded by assholes. So much of this season has seen her actual, effective spy work get wrecked by screwups that were not her fault (plus treason). I fully expect she and Quinn will clean most of it up, yet get no credit for it.

Wonderful. Plus all depictions of prison rape could be backed by "Yakety Sax."

I think in California, if they have an APB out on your for assault, and then you steal a car and lead the cops on an extended chase that destroys some cop cars and personal property and ends with some cops in traction, but you get away, they just throw up their hands and say "I guess he was innocent all along."

You are incorrect. Sandusky was convicted on four of the five charges related to the Mike McQueary shower incident. He was acquitted of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse but guilty of unlawful touching, indecent assault, corruption of a minor and endangering the welfare of children.

The bad guy at the end was the bad guy they could get, and, maybe most importantly, the actual killer of Dora Lang,whose murder was the crime they set out to solve in the first scene of the series. They may not have stopped the entire conspiracy but they got/killed three murderous rapists, and at least some of the

I kind of fear where this is going, like Louie is trying to push how far he can go and still have his conduct be rationalized as acceptable. Punches the model but it's an involuntary reflex to being tickled? Ok. Coerces Amia into sex with persistence and some physicality but it's ok because she deep down really