that sean connery story’s been doing the rounds for decades
kryton from red dwarf
you should see the shit that’s going on in ireland right now. there’s a referendum on same-sex marriage next week and the catholic lobby are running interference by claiming it will lead to ‘designer babies’ being ordered up willy-nilly by teh gays, never mind that there’s currently no legislation for surrogacy in…
ah right, sorry. i thought ‘originally’ meant an earlier report. you will definitely get a million more responses
video is shit? i actually jumped slightly at around 1:25. it shows them flinging her forcefully head first into the floor.
i herp we derpy doo :(
i can good arguing too
he’s saying, “i’m concerned, but also a little bit naughty”
the petulance olympics?
swinging balls add precious momentum
And yet he’s going to be remembered for what’s basically an attempted assault.
People are still alive who fought for women’s rights and blacks because it wasn’t that long ago. Yet here we are again, having to fight for the same thing, only its gays this time.
if only the pricks in the pictures would have the wit to be embarrassed NOW and save us all a lot of trouble
Those who fight against equality depend of a veneer of civility and concern. They need the public to remain either sympathetic or at least apathetic to the cause. It is photographs like these that expose the hatred and disgust behind the discrimination that captures the public’s attention.
or a screenplay for one of the leprechaun movies
it's not that much of a surprise; these dudes regularly and spectacularly shit their pants in the comments on feminist internet articles.
I'm just disappointed there's no schlemiels in a show about life in NYC.
I've never felt that urge either. In fact, I'm repulsed by it!