Terrifying Octopus

Just stop. You’re not a therapist and you have terrible advice.

OMG... That creepy day-walking vampire Pence’s visible twitch is the greatest gift of 2019 so far. I could watch that all day and night.

Onion rinds and a diet coat to go with his hamberders.

Let her sit in the parking lot with the valets.

Nope. To the wall with all of them. Let them all pay the price for their role in derailing US politics and allowing Russian interests to place a jackboot on the neck of freedom. None of them are innocent.

Mmmm. No. Go troll elsewhere, fool. I work for a hospital in Canada. It’s not like that at all. I’d rather wait 4-5 hours in a free Canadian walk-in clinic or a hospital ED, or wait a month for a surgical procedure and get excellent, free treatment than have instant life-crippling ‘healthcare’ at a US money-factory.