Craig The Hunter

What a brutal, beautiful, gut-puncher of an ending. Some incredible character work and acting from Clarke, Finn, Raven and Bellamy. The back half of this season has a lot to live up to after his set of episodes. Phenomenal.

I had completely forgotten that one! Good shout.

Best cold open ever.

The Office: Middle Earth was brilliant, Weekend Update had some great laughs (Jacob and "Heather, from work" were fantastic) and I really liked Sump'n Claus. Not great otherwise though.

I said it last week and I'll say it again, it's thrilling how this has become one of the best shows on (at the very least network) television right now. Just about everyone got a chance to shine here, Clarke especially - I never thought I'd be saying this after the first few episodes, but she is consistently one of

Mine too, not even slightly ashamed of how much I love it.

Holy shit. That was intense.

Inhumans. Can't handle the levels both superhero shows hit tonight.

Goddammit. That's the best episode of what has been a very strong first run of episodes for this show. Cannot believe there's over a month to wait. Ooft that was awesome.

Loved the out of continuity setting allowing SaB to do a wacky, yet still heartfelt episode. Like all the best Christmas episodes should be.

Homer buying the eyelash curler from Flanders was one of my favourite things he's ever done. Such a sweet moment.

It's amazing how much The 100 has improved from the start to this point. Trying to tell people who just watched the first couple of episodes before giving up (or even worse, the terrible trailers that E4 here in the UK cut for it) is proving difficult, but it's genuinely great now. It's kind of bonkers realising The

Enjoyed this every bit as much as The Flash part of the crossover. The best episode that Cisco has ever had btw, and not even in his own show!

I'd struggle to pinpoint anything specific, just not thought the last few have been as strong or focused. I did marathon watch the first 2 seasons, and maybe it's something to do with now watching weekly

That was awesome. So many little references on top of everything else. Hoping it helps kick start Arrow again too after a couple of rough weeks.

Loved how proud of being a "man hooker" Nick was. Totally in character.

That's both the post-cancellation episodes been absolutely fantastic now, such a pity this got the can when it's possibly been the best new comedy of the season.

I love this show. Another week with countless laugh out loud moments and instantly quotable lines. And the Jake and Amy "romance" stuff felt organic for the first time since they were sitting on that rooftop. That said, it s a shame Eva Longoria only has one episode left, she's a great fit. Excellent stuff.

Once agan, even with more emotional moments, this had brilliant gag after brilliant gag. Loving the run New Girl is on right now.

So it's just Adam Buxton's BUG?