Craig Swinson

oh fucking yawn, it is on the street signs too. Pay the fine you whiny self-entitled douche.

Yes BUT I'm sure you know a shooter in your neighborhood, he prolly has some and hopefully he's a zombie now. That being said I have a few cases stored away. I have some of the older Dynapoints which stay nicely subsonic in SBRs and pistols and a lot of Aguila Sub Sonic 38 grain HP, some of the SSS stuff but I don't

I do. Here's why. If I order basic service and extended I get it for $35, no HBO. Now if I get HBO, I get the package I already buy and want for $35 plus HBO free for 6 months, then $9.99 a month.
Now you could argue that I am subsidizing HBO with my $35 package but it is a package I already want and own and won't be

I do. But I don't plan to "cut the cable", I don't plan to give up cable TV service, so this product for me doesn't make sense.
For those who have given up cable service, sure this is great…it gets them HBO streaming for more than I pay for both TV (which doesn't burn or impact my bandwidth) as well as I get streaming.

At $15 it isn't worth it.. I get it on my TV for less with HBO go.

Exactly! or even just a Ruger 10/22 in an SBR config. at about 9 inches most standard velocity rimfire isn't going subsonic out of a 9 inch barrel. A ruger 10/22 pocket rifle with a supressor

I think the fellow that asked the question has no idea about how suppressors work or is thinking of the older wipe versions, so I am explaining it to him as he asked the question.

As said above in my post (with the right ammo and gun), one that would keep some transsonic ammo subsonic due to barrel length.

There are six issues:
1. Firearm: a firearm itself generates a good bit of noise, just the action moving back and forth on say a semi-automatic rifle. The action noise along may be 105 decibels or more. A perfect example, most bolt action rifles are inherently quieter to the shooter and those around due to the fact

Not really true with the right ammo and gun, I would bet any number of suppressors I have are "hollywood quiet" as it is called. I'd say that The Walking Dead gets it really close. The other problem, even if I videoed a suppressor the camera and sound system, unless very sophisticated, would not capture the true sound

Bed check patrols like they do in many senior housing/assisted living facilities.
At some I have seen the seniors push a button when they wake up, some it is actually a well check of every bed. They could possibly automate the process, people leave their porch lights on at night, then shut them off in the morning. or

"Sasha uses a silencer while shooting up pictures. Wouldn’t you want to conserve those? Does someone in town know how to make them?"

Fuck the both of you the sky is BLACK!

I would buy this…sadly….

No banjos….fuck that…MORE banjos! The banjo is the cousin to cow bell.

PBS immune from bias due to the way it is funded…WOW…just WOW!

This line, isn't the other way around in this case?
"eventually go from nightmare to daydream"

Was that an Audi commercial?

The Like A Girl advert was sort of dumb. I get what they are doing but obviously well adjusted young women hold the same stereotypes and seem to be doing ok…
