
I’d be more worried about some letter of Hep, rather than tetanus.

As a Dutch person, this is bull. “Doe gewoon normaal” does not mean don’t be lazy, it’s about behaviour. And it mostly refers to not being a dickhead. In terms of productivity it can be and is applied to lazy folk and workaholics in equal measure.

Also call the cops and report the car stolen.

Ever hear of a self-fulfilling prophecy? Philly fans will be “insufferable if they win” because they’ve already been branded as such before it even happens.

Pliny the Elder on tap at Monks!

I tip my cap to the poor Streets Dept. workers who cleaned up after that. I drove up Broad this morning and it looked surprisingly like it would on a normal Monday. 

this is the third time in my life that I’ve seen my (now almost 90) grandfather genuinely drunk off his ass, the prior two being the last two games of the 2005 season. While I’m certainly a brainwashed eagles fan, my poppop has been hoping a win pretty much forever, and this is probably his last shot at seeing it, and

All this for an issue that could have been solved with a $0.99 plastic tube mounted to the parking platform... hit the tube? Too far forward! Back up!

if your answer is not Countach you were born at the wrong time

“Jokes on you, Robby. My wife has a nut allergy, which is why we can’t even have sex anymore.”

Great job interjecting race into a discussion that has nothing to do with it. Very helpful.

He’s a hot commodity at the attorney’s office when he sued USC for firing him because he came to work drunk. He must have been drunk this yr too, put up 10 points on the Eagles? They ain’t the 1985 bears.

Well, I did give him a nine and still don’t know what actually happened.  I stand by it.

The check engine light never sets on the British empire.

I traded a refrigerator compressor for my first car, a 1963 Corvair. He got cold beer, I got hot trash.

and the other is the thin layer of Retriever hair coating the interior.

When you have Andy Reid as your head coach, this is what you should expect.

The Chiefs are underrated as a team that consistently shits the bed but holy cow can they poop on a mattress with the best of em

I owned a 1994 Ford Taurus as my first car. Learn from my experience....Do not buy a 1986-1995 Ford Taurus or Mercury Sable under any circumstances. They are very poorly made cars that were not engineered to last more than 100,000 miles or so. This particular example also has the head gasket eating 3.8 Essex V6. Not