
Yes, this market definitely exists. People who like shoes REALLY like shoes. But this market doesn’t exist for Brooks and that’s the problem. The status symbol mass market athletic shoes in the US lean heavily on celebrity endorsement (Jordan, KD, LeBron). Basketball has the kind of high profile athletes to sell a

The cans should also be color coded - it’s usually red for gasoline, yellow for diesel and tan/black/blue for water.

In his defense, storing anything other than gas in a gas can is not a wise move. Unless it had huge labels on it.

I don’t see an issue here. Why does this article exist?

Oh, I don’t know:

Something about this post screams, “I’m still waiting to get my driver’s license.”

In America it’s a big sanctimonious social thing. In India its called living for millions.

It’s not clear if that’s exactly what went down here

There are several hotels within walking distance of the stadium. The Reinaissance Boston at Patriot Place (so, it literally shares a parking lot with the stadium) has rooms available for $144 tonight.

Was looking for the geo cities logo

I’m more surprised that the entire Bills fanbase had $100,000 in disposable income.

Edit: Or $100,000 of income period.

My thoughts on this are that if you don’t have enough gas to make it clear through NJ without stopping, you done fucked up.

Kirk’s best option to be a fan favorite is to sign with the Chiefs, since all Missourians really, really love their Cousins


honorable mention to Joe Flacco for being true to himself and checking down on 4th and 14 with the season on the line

““Negative reviews are never fun,” she says, “but this one, for a variety of reasons, just really felt especially heart-breaking.”

That clutch animation is quite engaging.

The big problem I see here isn’t simply that these people are bad at math, it’s that they don’t recognize that they are bad at math. And you’re right - this is a bigger issue when they get suckered into a bad deal than when they walk away from a good one.

I thought they were for hairdressers to get from the salon to the mall…

Profit is a byproduct?