
It’s all right there. He was busy and doesn’t care all that much about Frasier. It’s really that easy.

That is pretty amazing pricing. Around here, in Texas, a McDonalds egg mcmuffin combo is over $8 now and a basic #1 chick-fila is now just under $10. These are both over $2 higher than a few months ago.

If you read Isaacson’s biography of Musk you learn his dad didn’t really have that much money. Upper middle class. The vaunted “emerald mine” stock was worthless. And he was stingy - for a time, Elon, his siblings and his mother lived together in a one bedroom apartment.

Modest mid-level daycare runs about $1200 / month per child for 1 year olds here in Austin.

IIRC the most recent two with Grimes were both in vitro (his sperm, her egg) and a surrogate carried the children and gave birth to them.

And the Delorean laid its stainless panels on top of molded fiberglass like a veneer. That’s how they avoided all the problems that Tesla has run into from trying to make the panels part of the unibody structure.

Russell was based on Jay Gould who absolutely would’ve not only ordered them to open fire, but would’ve had his own gun and shot them himself. Gould, the 1880s equivalent of a billionaire, once went to Canada and kidnapped a man that had swindled him, was jailed by the Mounties and released when a large mob threatened

There are a number of these kinds of places in Texas and they baffle me with how bland and expensive they are and yet always busy. 

Of course “billionaire” is a market value thing rather than cash on hand, or even what’s actually available to trade to use at a moment in time.

After reading Walter Isaacson’s biography of him I’ve come to the conclusion that you shouldn’t self treat your bipolar disorder with a combination of Red Bull and Ambien as he does. It leads to impulsivity which, when combined with his background, then leads to very dumb behavior.

It was actually his autistic son’s. I’ve been reading Walter Isaacsons’s biography of Musk - it’s actually very interesting - and they cover this. Basically his son said something along the lines of “Why don’t cars now look like the future?” and Elon thought this was so profound the Cybertruck resulted. As with a lot

Didn’t the A380 need a number of airport infrastructure upgrades also? Seems like it would be hard to make that happen worldwide for a sole type. IIRC a big “misread” was that, for example, replacing 3 flights of a route on a 777 with 2 flights of an A380 reduced the travel options for business travelers. This made it

I read Dunces for the first time last year and remarked to my wife that it’s pretty clear a lot of Seinfeld was inspired by it. 

Yeah mostly BS claims but there is one area where it has a benefit when the ph is over 8 and that is denaturing pepsin in the throat for people with acid reflux. Pepsin is an enzyme comes up from the stomach with reflux and irritates/digests throat tissue in the presence of acid such as acidic foods like citrus,

God I never thought about this. Musk would fit perfectly with Werner Herzog’s lifelong theme of people driven mad by unrealistic goals and ideals

Delorean used a fiberglass body with stainless overlaid on it. Think veneer - you build the furniture using easier to work with material and then glue the expensive/difficult wood on top for appearance.

The sharp corners and points are a shop hazard

Hydrogen electric (fuel cell) is tricky because of the catalyst required to make it work. Historically the catalyst of choice is platinum - but platinum is too expensive to use in the amounts necessary for a production vehicle. And there isn’t enough platinum in the world to supply everyone.

Obviously Ken should get best supporting actor because is literally what Ken is!

lol, yeah. I have a Bosch too. Figuring out the best way to load it has been an odyssey. There are no good ways to put bowls in it. And the whole “quiet” part of it is moot when the sprayer has such force it bangs things like the bowls up and down on the prongs or against each other. Plates also tend to rattle in