
That Spider-Man continues to be a menace!

Freaky Portal In The World’s Largest Game, Which Is Famous For Highly Elaborate ARG-Like Updates, Starts Shooting Lightning Randomly And Will Undoubtedly Lead To A Major New Development In The Meta-Story Of, Once Again We Stress, A Game More Popular Than Jesus

He’s had more than a few lapses... he and Zylbrad were tight for awhile, until there was pushback about Brad’s sense of “humor” and it seems like they had a falling out

Idk. I miss when it was just Bazza and Tyrodin and Muselk. Anyone else makes it was more complicated and cringey

Muselk is the most vanilla, non-offensive streamer out there. He has an Australian DisneyXD show, for god’s sake.

Yeah, someone else pointed that out. I guess I got mixed up since you mentioned GoG immediately afterward.

GMG has a client now?

The kind of grind I’ve been missing in Destiny. Work cannot end fast enough.

Cosplaying as another race is fine, just don’t use blackface. The costume should speak for itself, and here it does.

I suck at building and shooting. So I’m not bothered either way. Nothing they can do shall help me. 

Let’s be clear just because the bigoted, right wing assholes who will eventually flood the comments section have never heard of the atrocities Imperial Japan committed during WWII doesn’t change that they still happened and still affect places like Korea to this day.

For me, the combat always felt clunky and unwieldy.

I didn’t mind having to switch stances to cope with different types of enemies, but the way the game played—particularly the way it responded to the mouse—always felt sluggish and unnatural.

I vastly preferred the combat design of 3—but then, I’m kind of a sucker for a

The first game was solid run. Especially multiplayer, I miss games that treat rockets like physics objects. Nothing says fun like figuring out the drop time on a nuke so you can fire it straight up into the air and have it come crashing down on a fight you bring to the area later.

Fair point, and I admit that I remember very little of the first Red Faction, so it really could be a case where I went in with unrealistic expectations and just don’t remember what I did play of the game. I should go back and give it a go at some point. 

No, Red Faction Armageddon was the most recent one and it was terrible and caused them to lose a ton of money and effectively ended the series at THQ. Guerrilla was the better title and I believe the best selling of the series. I liked the story of RF2, but I felt like part 1 never really delivered on its promises and

technically its an incel phone

I can’t remember one single game where the main character that you are playing is a canon lesbian woman. Not a game like Dragon Age where you can chose your romantic partners or where you create your character but a game that have a predefined character and she is gay.

I mean, getting to the point where LGBTQ+ representation ISN’T treated like a giant novelty is kind of the goal? And we can’t get to that point unless we actually get moments like this.

If you have a free wall, get a projector hooked on HDMI to your laptop, instead of a TV. I’ve been using the Optoma 1080p projector for 3 years now and can attest to the awesomeness of playing Witcher 3 on a 100 inch ‘screen’, no lag, right from your reclining sofa.

I’m not a PC gaming elitist. Some of my best friends are console gamers.