*cartoon echidna
*cartoon echidna
Nah, fuck that.
“You idiots! These are not them! You’ve captured their stunt doubles!”
Come on now. 2017 is the year where we take a step back in our favorite franchises, make everything worse but add jumpjets and a vauge and directionless open world.
“Kotaku Editor Jason Schreier delays the release of information on new game, ‘Insane Franchise Sequel Number 6’, amidst fact checking scandal”
Love for you to elaborate on that. Because she wants to have fun with like-minded friends online? Because she won’t tolerate racism or sexism in an environment where it has no place?
Hmmm... I don’t know, that Cell costume still needs some work to be perfect.
Or, y’know, thanks to the hashtag it’s someone finding the confidence to finally speak up about something that happened to her, something that should never fly or be simply downplayed. And come on, demanding “proof” for something like this? It’s a damn shame she didn’t record the whole event, huh? Or take some…
the witcher 3 is not trash.
When they originally announced the CE, I thought it looked cool and then I saw made by Project Triforce and all desire to preorder just disappeared.
Yeah, can we please stop holding literally the most influential gaming personality on literally the largest video platform accountable for his constant terrible bullshit? That seems like the decent thing to do, to me, a decent and sensible person
“It sort of gave me a little bit of perspective, because technically I got grouped in with these people somehow,” Kjellberg said.
Related I still find it incredibly at how the cinematic trailer was the epilogue to the entire Witcher series, taking place after Blood and Wine. That’s a great twist.
They’re working on it. There are anti-trust issues; there’s some concern that they’d be cornering the market on racism.
They’d prefer not to comment until the entire process is finished (and Mr. Hughes is no longer Black).
How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?
The crazy thing is it was on sale for only $650 like, last week. I just wish I was ready to pull the trigger. I’m just hoping GPU prices come down by the time I’m ready to buy/build in a couple months
The crazy thing is it was on sale for only $650 like, last week. I just wish I was ready to pull the trigger. I’m…
I built a similar rig specs-wise using an AMD FX-8320E (same socket, lower TDP, ~100Mhz difference) and the CPU struggles on some games. The single-core performance is similar to first-gen Core i CPUs, and while a lot of new games are taking advantage of multiple CPU cores, games that aren’t as well threaded will…
I built a similar rig specs-wise using an AMD FX-8320E (same socket, lower TDP, ~100Mhz difference) and the CPU…