
“I can already see the scene,” he said, chuckling. “Elena says, ‘Where do we go now, Drake?’ And he’s like, ‘THE MOON.’ And then Sully’s in the background saying, ‘You’re goddamned right we’re going to the moon, kid.’”

This single screenshot contains more hype-generating potential than all of the released Mighty No. 9 gameplay put together. Very well done.

As any RPG gamer will tell you, luck is also a skill.

It’s a sad fact, but liberals need to face reality on this issue.

In general, men don’t like cleaning, but there seems to be something in women, in general, that makes them clean up after you (Girlfriends and mothers)

The Dreamworks Animation Mod

I hope Truck remembers to prime his wood properly.

My team of friends are enjoying it as a nice, casual palate cleanser from all the destiny we’ve been playing. I’m sure we’ll go back to that game eventually, but right now it’s a blast to play this instead.

I actually rather enjoy playing this game! Except when you get thrown onto Endor as a Stormtrooper.. Yes, Alpine White is the best camo for a forest setting!

Meesa thinks we give Automatic Missile Defense Network control over AAALL bombad nuclear missles, okiday?

You know what happens in the future when something like this happens to you, right?

I punched my monitor

So would this be a good time for someone who has never played it to give it a shot? Not wildly happy with GW2 at the moment (even with the new expansion) and looking around for alternatives.

This game has been 95%+ soloable since launch, and even more so with every update. Only thing you’ve ever needed another live player to help with are raids and flashpoints, and now flashpoints can all be done solo.


lol What? So the entire world needs to know who someone is to be iconic? Mark Messier is an iconic NHL hockey player, a legend. If 75% of gamers don’t know who he is, does that mean he’s not an iconic figure? Silly logic.