and the Rebel Assault series...No?
and the Rebel Assault series...No?
"Eli, here are the balls you requested for today's game. Pick 6"
I've stopped pre-ordering for digital "bonuses" and I highly recommend it to everyone.
I wish Destiny had a pre-order bonus that included a story....
As someone who had never played any of the DMC games previously, I couldn't care less about what the character looked like, and I really, really enjoyed the game. It made all that whining by fanboys seem really, really pathetic from my point of view.
Definitely very talented. While her version of "Scars of Time" didn't actually come together quite as well as the original piece, it's obvious how talented she is, and my guess is if she was given some time to rehearse it would sound incredible. Fun watch.
Yet the most burning question—will we ever get more Dinklebot?—goes unanswered.
If I'm being honest, with a good monitor, it's just as enjoyable playing from the desk.
Setting up a PS4 controller by simply connecting with Bluetooth isn't tough. It's getting the vibration and widespread support in games to work that's a bit more difficult. You essentially just need to install the Xbox 360…
I play DmC on PC on my TV with a PS4 controller- I did all this under the impression that it would never see a re-release, but now everyone else can share my joy. :D
Seriously, switching between Devil and Angel weapons feels much better with this controller.
When Destiny first launched in September, this Light system felt novel and innovative, if untested. Here was a new way to approach leveling, the type of progression method we'd never seen in a big MMORPG before. Equipment was suddenly valuable not just because it could boost your armor and give you new abilities, but…
Same here. Was my favourite game in 2013, and I'm dying for a sequel.
I thought the graphics were awesome. ._.
I thought DmC was great too and would love to see a sequel. The director was a douche, and the dialog/story in this game was terrible (although sometimes so bad, it's good. Like a b-movie). The gameplay though, was amazing. Even with the horrible story and so-so graphics, DmC is a true example of gameplay > all.
Fuck this game was great....Fuck the haters DMC needed a reboot after 4, it's just unfortunate that we will never see a sequel to this game.....I still laugh my ass off that the fucking haters who never even touched it still cry about swearing Dante, when that 1 cutscene was the ONLY time the swearing was ever that…
I'd love a sequel to this. HUGE DMC fan myself and thought this was a very good reboot
If this is what's needed to get a sequel, then sure, I'm in. I really enjoyed DmC, even if it wasn't as good as some of the previous entries.
I think the Daenerys from Dragon Age: Inquisitions looks better.
The Anne, Kathryn Morris and Cumberbatch characters look really like them it's scary, but the rest are mediocre, and if you want Emilia Clark in a game go for Dragon Age Inquisition, seems Emilia has an affinity for anything with Dragons in it.
I really think Final Fantasy VIII was better. At least I better.
I think as a rule every iteration of Nathan Drake has to be compared to both Nolan North and Nathan Fillion for some reason.