
It’s a “decent” starting point but honestly that dual core is going to show it’s age the fastest out of all of those parts, I have a hard time recommending anything less than a true quad-core these days considering how advanced triple A games are getting. If you did a Ryzen 4-core with a cheaper motherboard (like the

It’s a “decent” starting point but honestly that dual core is going to show it’s age the fastest out of all of those

I would say no. The CPU has no upgrade path, you’d be better off building a Ryzen PC at a similar price point.

I would say no. The CPU has no upgrade path, you’d be better off building a Ryzen PC at a similar price point.

“Don’t buy new” - Lists new prices for used GPUs.

“Don’t buy new” - Lists new prices for used GPUs.

Sigh. Now if only GOG could get the rights for NOLF1+2...

Oh my god. The Auto-lock Junkrats in Gold...


There are about a dozen replies to me about that statement - Yes, I get that bit. My post is mostly about how that doesn’t explain why every single AI in the simulation spits out the same variables other than really bad programming by an extremely intelligent alien race as a result of even worse writing by the

There’s a few replies of mine deeper down that show I understand that concept (what you address in your first paragraph) but that it’s a piss poor explanation for the preceding comment (about everyone repeating the same #s) for the reason you give in your last few sentences.

See some of the follow up replies - I realize the statement itself is essentially true, but the way it was used to explain the preceding problem (everyone repeating the same seemingly random numbers) is not, as that’s a relatively easy problem to solve and a rather hilarious oversight by an alien race capable of

^ Right. I understand that the statement alone by itself is true, but the way they used it to explain literally everything else in the episode was pretty bad and a bit off mark.

That’s really what I was trying to get at. There’s some truth to it, but it’s not exactly an unworkable issue and certainly one an advanced alien species capable of intergalactic travel could have easily solved.

Steven Moffat wrote this episode, so...

That’s just Actarded. I love it.

I mean, I’m sure there is some business deal in place that lets Blizzard get some royalty/benefit/profit for using their service, absolutely. But it seems like it made obvious sense since this wasn’t a franchise that was already entrenched in one location (i.e. CoD and Steam) that it was a good time for the joint

Activision-Blizzard (the official name of the merged company) is the Publisher for Bungie. Only makes sense to use their own in-house launcher.

I’m generally doing the “Maverick doing a call tower flyby” kind of jackassery when I have to compensate ;)

My God, you are quintessential edgy snarky commenter. “SJW” and false accusations, could you be any more edgier and neckbeardier? Username checks out.

I liked her story. I liked that she wasn’t just another military-raised Turian, or an attempt at Garrus 2.0. And lol, that’s a legit reason. Peebee was fun, but, she had a few moments where she annoyed me. I had a casual relationship with her for funsies.

You’re making a lot of assumptions in your follow up reply to Transhuman Cyborg Octopus.

I’ll have to take your word on the larger ships. But I’ve never had much of an issue either with a joystick with built in, throttle, xbox controller, or my HOTAS setup, had an issue parking my Viper or my Vulture, without banging around inside the space station.