
Reminds me of that person who tracked down her harasser’s mom and sent the son’s messages. But seriously, if their anonymity was removed these shits would think twice about acting like that.

There are some games (Arizona Sunshine, to name one) that provide analog movement either with the Vive trackpads or the Oculus analog controller, but the problem with this is the entire reason this article exists: Using this type of locomotion induces motion sickness in a lot of people. The people it doesn’t is in the

Patricia - Protip for your next lightning storm:

Destiny 2, a game which is finally on the best platform for first person shooters (PC).

I seriously think that has to be it, because I’m 99% of the time in the middle of my game when I want to switch between TV and handheld, and I’m actively trying to avoid giving random inputs while I’m pushing them down/taking them off, and it’s impossible.

Is it me, or did that launch trailer for the Switch make it look *so* much easier to detach the joycons from the Switch when docked than it is in reality? I’m always trying to avoid pushing buttons when i’m lifting them off.

Something like this happened to me and a friend when Max Payne 3 came out. It was releasing on the same day as Diablo 3, which we elected not to get because we weren’t crazy about the auction house, but we knew the local Gamestop was doing a midnight release so we figured we’d go pick MP3 up.

Care to elaborate? I mean, other than shaving his head for some inexplicable reason, I don’t see how they “ruined” Max.

I’m impatiently waiting for a Max Payne 4. Max Payne 3 was incredible. When the music starts in the airport gives me chills every time.

His post doesn’t suggest a whole rollback does it? Just seems like they may be posing some changes sooner before later, or are they definitely rolling back to pre-patch Bastion?

Your average loud, whiny public doesn’t play on the PTR, so, no.

Your average loud, whiny public doesn’t play on the PTR, so, no.

It’s also worth considering that these VR games run at 2560x1200 and really need to be at 90fps to be really fluid, so it’s not like you’re overpaying for power you’re not using. Your CPU is doing tons of work to calculate your position, movements, etc. Reprojection/Async compute helps when you drop lower, but, VR

What do you think the average PC gamer needs to play anything coming out, out of curiosity? The launch specs were a high end i5 and a GTX 970 - a midrange graphics card. Not horribly demanding as most things go. Most Best Buy Prebuilts give you enough RAM and at least that much in CPU power.

I think they’re made by Sandisk - They bought Sandisk middle of last year.

I think they’re made by Sandisk - They bought Sandisk middle of last year.

It’s not that I don’t have friends who play, or can’t find them - We all have differing work and life issues so scheduling a time to play together is impossible. It’s pretty much my only option to solo queue. Which, presently this system is geared completely against those of us who can only do that. When I find a good

Yeah I feel you. There was one day I managed to fight my way back up to 2400 and I thought it was going to be glorious, and then another losing streak sent me back down to 2200s.

Yeah, I’m aware of that. But if I’m solo queuing, that means I can play the best matches I’ve ever played in my life 10 times in a row, and still sink deeper into ELO hell if the team loses, because this system doesn’t reward you remotely at all for good personal performance, it only detriments you slightly less.

PS4 doesn’t have text chat. PC does. It brings out the shittiness in people fast.

I feel like if we gathered everyone who’s replied to my comment, we could have a half decent chance at a semi-competent team LOL