Craig Michael Ranapia

Did Chris Rock at any point in the evening make a reference to a woman that wasn’t bizarre, mean-spirited or just creepy? (Honestly, I have no idea how his opening monologue got from Jada Pinket-Smith to Rhianna’s panties in a single bound, and am not sure I want to.)

But apparently not so important to Rock that he decided to forgo a well-paying, high profile gig hosting this utterly irrelevant distraction from “real issues,” right?

TBF, that’s a lot of ground to cover in a monologue even when you’re not dedicating an awful lot of time to defensively explaining why you took the gig and telling those uppity #OscarsSoWhite folks to be be quiet. And honestly, given his track record, I’m not sure Chris Rock speaking to issues affecting women, LGBT

One other thing: What the fuck does “sorority racist” mean as a slam on an industry that’s still obviously and overwhelmingly dominated by MEN, unless the subtext here is the most demeaning thing you could possibly say about #yesALLmen is that they behave like woman?

Hated it — because, yeah, calling Hollywood “sorority racist” is a nice way to pull focus from the reality that Hollywood is a white BOY’S club where there’s so many rooms where Rock is much more welcome than any woman, let alone a woman of colour (including the one Chris Rock went out of his way to diss by name).

Please! Telling uppity black people to hush because they haven’t really got anything to complain about in front of a white crowd couldn’t be MORE politically correct.

And definitely too young to remember back not that much further when you could count the black comedians you’d see on television at all - or booking decent club dates outside what remained of the Chitlin’ Circuit - could be counted on one hand, or more often a closed fist.

Maybe it neeed to be said seventy times more until you get your head out of Rock’s arse, and both stop erasing the history of the people who paid for his ticket off the Chitlin’ Circuit.

This fucking infuriates me because in Black History Month, Rock just casually dismissed black entertainers for whom racism in their industry was a very “real thing” they fought damn hard against- and long before the 60's.

Shame he had to get them all nice and comfy by putting those uppity #OscarsSoWhite folks firmly in their place — preferably quiet and far away from the blindingly white audience. And just to add insult to injury, in Black History Month he did that by casually erasing the “mad” black performers for whom entertainment

I’d have been happy if he’d passed on talking about all those uppity black folks who needs to shut the fuck up and focus on “real issues” like they did back in the 50's and 60's. And Rihanna’s panties got up in there somehow.

Could someone explain exactly how a woman of colour talking about Hollywood racism is like Rihanna’s panties?

The only thing you were interested in doing was trolling — because that what “STFU and talk about what I consider appropriate” is. Thanks for playing, but you’ve still lost and I’m done.

Thanks for that. If you’re not interested in engaging with what I’ve said scroll on by and try contributing to whatever conversation you actually care about. Otherwise, leave the moderating to actual moderators.

And does anyone else remember that The Daily Show was... uh... not that great when Stewart took over, and it took him a very long time to hit his stride? I’m not joining the Trevor Noah Squee Squad any time soon, but let the poor bastard settle in. Or at least cut him exactly the same slack Colbert is getting behind

Nope - I think they actually mean they can’t get representation, because agents aren’t going to take on clients they think aren’t going to get work because there’s no point in putting up PoC for jobs when they’re not going to get an audition. It’s just this ugly circle jerk of life.

THIS. I’ve got no problems with Trevor Noah being held accountable for his words and behaviour. Nor am I naive enough to think that being a straight cis-man of colour on the receiving end of a fuckload of casual cultural and institutional racism is magically immune from being an asshole. (Because intersectionality is

It’s great that Trevor Noah gets called out on being an arsehole — and yes, because intersectionality is a real thing, being an able bodied straight cis-man of colour on the receiving end of casual institutional racism AND a perpetrator of sexism and ableism are NOT mutually exclusive states.

Some unsolicited attention trolling advice for the Million Moms:

It sounds like a lot of the issue stems from the age of the voters (as opposed to race).