This shit happens all the goddamn time in every entertainment industry and it's really not a big deal. People fuck each other. People have biases. Sometimes the two get intertwined. It happens. Deal with it.
This shit happens all the goddamn time in every entertainment industry and it's really not a big deal. People fuck each other. People have biases. Sometimes the two get intertwined. It happens. Deal with it.
I think consumers being lied to is important and I think nepotism is bad. Wow, I'm such a horrible person for that view.
The accusations of the GamerGate trolls, even if actually true, are almost laughably pedestrian "offenses" that do not even remotely warrant the amount of outrage that results.
OK, I'll Costolo credit where due but it's a very small step and, let's keep repeating this, stating the abso-fucking-loutely obvious people have been saying for years in an internal memo long on generalities and short on concrete actions.
Once again, I understand you guys are "feminist" and are going to attack every single thing I say and take my objective opinions and make it into something else because I'm a male.
You may be right — I'm just speculating out my arse like everyone else. :) But I live in a country with a pretty decent public health care system, and I've still seen people for whom "well provided for" becomes a very relative thing when the bills start flowing like a river during the spring thaw. Personally, I'd be…
I'm not in a position to know shit about Harper Lee's health (and wouldn't be talking about it here if I was), but here's a suggestion why this might be perfectly legit.
Golly, I think I just committed snarkicide. There should be a law against it, and I'm sure Rep. Sally Kern is just the gal to get it done!
When people try to pass these blatantly discriminatory laws, do they really think that it won't be over turned later?
Jesus Herbert Christ. That is insane.
Yup. Not only unworkable, bigoted bullshit but unworkable, bigoted bullshit that will waste millions of taxpayer dollars and hundreds of hours of court time being defended against legal challenge by the Great State of Kansas.
The only thing I've got to say is that Kansas must be a fucking crime-and-poverty-free paradise of full employment, triple-digit economic growth, and top-draw public infrastructure, health, education and social services if its legislators have free time to waste on this boiling cauldron of bullshit. Lucky Kansas, I…
Fair enough — I probably epically overshared and was a tad more irritated towards you that was really warranted. But I guess it all comes down to, as you say "to each their own" — and shit that might seem really petty or weird to you (and me) is a really big fucking deal (pun intended) to others for good reasons. …
*for the record I think "maintenance sex" is absolute bullshit and it's borderline saying to people that you should just let your partner sexually assault you when you're not really up for it.
Yes it's her bed, too, but he first off thought she was asleep to start with, and she also made it apparent that she wouldn't have been available if she was, even. I don't get it, does she expect to dictate all his orgasms or what?
What. The. Hell. Polite guest masturbation is why God created houses with indoor plumbing and locks on the door.
There are people who think masturbation in a relationship constitutes cheating. Most of us refer to those people as "complete fucking lunatics."
There's also option 5., but it's pretty next level shit that should only be attempted by consenting adults who have some experience in the art of conversation.
It's just bullying, and bullying of a particularly passive-aggressive kind to boot. (If you've got an issue with the host, why fuck with your waiter? Not tipping for bad service is one thing. Making a Broadway production number out of screwing the waiter for something they didn't do, and a situation they have zero…
To be fair, I wouldn't let someone whose career is based on playing misogynistic serial killers and controlling sadistic fuckbags touch me either.