The woman in the article clearly stated she was at a party. What you said would be agreeable if this was in some dark alley or a drug dealer house. But this was in a party with tons of people in Nolita, she should've did something.
The woman in the article clearly stated she was at a party. What you said would be agreeable if this was in some dark alley or a drug dealer house. But this was in a party with tons of people in Nolita, she should've did something.
Yeah, there's all the need for "internet talking shit" as long as there are people like you putting all the responsibility for sexual assault on the victims rather than the perpetrators. And gee, why would anyone go to the Police if they thought they were going to end up with someone like you asking what THEY did to…
I have to wonder... everyone knows Terry Richardson is a predator, and everyone says he comes off as a creep even when you're not one of his victims, so why does he still have so much clout?
Who has EVER taught you to just take it?
and then there was the infamous Spike/Buffy near rape scene that also got never addressed properly.
Tara wasn't fridged. A writer can kill a female character without being sexist.
And I feel like most people consider Lois Lane in MoS to be one of the strong points. I mean, she's actually a good journalist in this one, and they rightfully didn't try to find a stupid reason for her not to know that Clark Kent and Superman were the same person.
Q: Why doesn't anyone complain about the lack of women in the Avengers?
I agree with all your points, but at the same time - do we really want Zach "Sucker Punch" Snyder and David "Slut-Hulk" Goyer to get their dirty hands on even more of our favorite heroine?
Who are you to tell men which characters to use in their stories?
So you expect accuracy to a source material whose 70 years of existence are filled to the brim with contradictions, retelling, retcons, alternate universe, author tracts that are promptly forgotten and hundreds of other intricacies that make any kind of continuity impossible to maintain beyond a decade? That's…
I think I picked a pretty fair battle tbh. First, film adaptations never stick to the original source material—even in Man of Steel, Lois Lane figures out who Superman is basically right off the bat, which kind of throws away, what 20 years(?) of comics.
This is the face of a Lothario Guinea Pig who's just been hit up with 400 court orders to pay all that child support. Should have put a condom on it!
Obviously that's not correct, which is why I said "it's interesting how many" rather than "it's interesting that nobody". But what is correct is there's a lot of euphemisms, furious hair-splitting about what "counts" and other rape culture enforcing grossness up in here.
If the statistics are true (and I think they are off - I think rape and sexual assault, of both men and women, are far more prevalent than reported), is the answer to never show rape in the media?
I apologize for my opinion?
If you use rape as an opportunity to flesh out a villain's backstory, are you furthering rape culture?
It's really interesting how many people here can't even bring themselves to call what happened to Craster's daughters what it was — pack rape by rapists. When you play the Game of Euphemistic Hand-Waving, rape culture wins. Everyone else dies.
if you had to choose between being raped (once) and having an ongoing consensual incestuous relationship with your twin which you have to hide completely from the rest of the world lest you both be excecuted (and probably your children as well), which would you choose?
If you think the TV show has too much violence, sex, and sexual violence, then, for the love of god, do not read the books.