Craig M

No it’s not, it’s priced similarly to the top-level minivans (Sienna and Odyssey) and well above it’s real competitors.

Which is pretty sad because that IS a ton of money. Average household income is just barely above $50k, meaning, most families(young ones, especially) will never be able to afford even the low end van.

you forget, we live in a time where everything is black or white. You’re either with us or against us. You’re either a pansy-ass liberal, or a bible-thumping conservative. Everything either sucks, or it rocks. So yeah, if a car isn’t an absolute A+ at everything* then it’s an utter piece of shit. if something isn’t at

i’m more upset that they are killing the grand caravan. i need to haul kids, hockey gear, whatever and it’s the best (and usually best-priced) tool for the job.

not looking forward to having to spend more on a damn t&c... uh... i mean pacifica... if i want to replace it. the japanese minivans are all at a higher price

Wouldn’t getting rid of the cheap offerings be a bad idea? How are you supposed to lure young (and broke) buyers to the brand when your cheapest offering is rather expensive?