She can't keep pimping these revolting ancient comcubines to the tabloids with no public interest. Advertisers are realizing the well is running dry.
She can't keep pimping these revolting ancient comcubines to the tabloids with no public interest. Advertisers are realizing the well is running dry.
no major outlets picked it up. Poor Gloria; suppose you gave a press conference and nobody cared. Insatiable public interest? Who was it this time? Sammy Davis' rotten old concubine?
Gloria Allred is about to announce a lying new ho-bag. There will be no fact checking of her story before it's rushed to gossip column headlines. Then you can denounce black men as being rapists to your lonely hearts' content.
How many times today do you suppose these believe women message board fluffers called a black man a rapist without proof? Pretty sad way to pay the rent; using racist stereotypes for a social media lynching.
You're panties seem extra in a bunch this morning, Brandy Betts. You wear them that tight to keep your liver from falling out?
I can't promote child abusers like believe women. You couldn't pay me enough. Shame on them for taking the word of a child abuser over a black man. Black men must be low on your social media totem pole.
Tamara Green whipped an 11 year old boy left in her care like a slave. He survived 3 months of abuse at that con artist's hands. I'm supposed to believe she's the voice for survivors? She's got a shady past for certain. It just demonstrated how racist you are knowing how lowly Tamara Green is as a human being.
How come you haven't researched Tamara Green nearly beating an 11 year old boy to death or Chloe Goins Feb 2015 arrest. You never talk about that stuff…only badmouthing a black man and his fans. You don't suppost believe women is a racist hate group, do you?
You probably don't make enough with your current fake rape group to try to be clever online. Not to worry, you weren't much better before you got canned from the last one.
Is that what really got you fired, Brandy Betts or was it more to do with your anti-social tendancies?
I love that video of Gloria Allred being thrown out of the Cobb theatre hours before you were Canned. That's as close to being filmed again as Lili Barnyard is gonna get.
Here's a video of Gloria Allred being thrown out of the Cobb theatre or face arrest hours before you got canned…
The day before she lied to police, your pal, Mr lili Bernard was updating her imdb profile promoting her association with Bill Cosby and hoping to drum up some acting jobs. lmao Poor, desperate creature. Says she also works at the Huffington Post. I found that interesting.
Was looking at your disgusting pal Lili Barnyard updated imdb page…updated the day before she lied to police. Still plugging her connection to Bill Cosby and praying for work. lmao Says she works as a HUffington Post blogger. That's convienient Can sell sniffs to the brave of heart close to home.
Tortured an 11 year old boy. Beat him, too. Not my fault you promote scum like that. I thought her being a child abuser was as common knowledge as her being a thief, addict and mental case. Did you also NOT know she was suspended from the practice of law twice? Disgusting person. Belongs in prison.
This is you offering rape support to survivors? Not harassing Kia car dealerships today?
She's a one trick pony, that's all that horse can do… lol Stop being pitiful, Charlotte. Or at least have something to say before boring strangers . No wonder you shills can't get any momentum behind child abusers like Tamara Green.
I don't pay attention to gossip any more than the nonsense written by strangers. Sucks to be you.
Unlike you, pet, I'm actually experienced and can offer counselling services to survivors. What were your groups qualifications again? The email I sent contained links to some of your Disqus accounts by the way…just so Rainn would have a better idea of the scum you are.
They're your ancient hookers, druggies, kept women and con artists. It was probably the stink of method and prison cots that kept the city of Atlanta away from your lonely street corner down in Atlanta. Is Judy going to throw Kayla in the nuthouse? I heard if she doesn't start paying off some Cosby cash it would be…