Craig Forshaw

How the frack did Guardians of the Galaxy break out of the "punch-and-explosions mold"? I love it, but c'mon!

There is no way the segment aired without lawyers checking it over to make sure that Oliver and HBO are watertight on this. Murray is just going to the throw money at it, but he's taking on an entity with probably more political connections and as much ability to hurl cash at what is going on. Dumb, vain move typical

If they want to do Trump, surely Jack Donaghy should be involved.

He was sold a bit short in The Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy, though.

Interesting fact: he was in the original Buffy movie, watching the basketball game where the vampire steals a ball from Ben Affleck.

Well, Whedon did do those two Avengers movies…

Biggest problem was that they set it in a prison where one inmate with nothing to offer any of the people living there (that we were shown, so therefore nothing in the story) was able to take over the entire prison. And about half an hour took place in the same set dressed up three different times.

Willow from Buffy.

Take it back! Gilmore Girls without Kirk is like an AV Club article where someone doesn't work in a mention of Breaking Bad!

Wait… they want people to take it seriously and they're releasing it April 1st? Hahahahaha!

Or Evanescence to really get the soppy teen girl crowd to come and see it, ending with a cut to black as the music and editing reach a crescendo, which then fades back in on someone doing a bit before the credits pop up, something like:

It was the ghost of Michael Jackson, though, so… creepy.