
This article needs an update! This ONLY works if you have a phone you purchased directly from AT&T with HD Voice activated. So once again, if you’re a BYOD AT&T user, even with an otherwise perfectly compatible device, you’re SOL as they will refuse to provision your device for those features.

This is great but it also needs a method for users to skip voicemail for these calls. By letting it go to vmail, it verifies the number is a legit number. As a business owner, I can’t NOT answer my phone and I can’t disable voicemail. It’s terribly frustrating to receive 10+ spam calls a day and not be able to do

Last month I noticed I was subscribed to some subreddits I would never have any interest. Something like r/crypto(?) and r/bitcoin. I unsubbed and found myself resubbed within a few hours. Had to change my password. Related? 

Except their prices are often incredibly inflated to begin with just like Walgreens. Coupled with the random gimmicky sales every week, it’s just not worth the hassle. As an example, the vitamins. Every other week or so it’s either bogo or b1g1 50% off....but the original price is literally double Walmart or Amazon.

The larger and more powerful IPDUO60 model, which has been lower than $80 a few times recently, is currently $114. I have the DUO60, and am very very happy with it. The 20% larger capacity and 10% greater power is well worth the extra $22.

The larger and more powerful IPDUO60 model, which has been lower than $80 a few times recently, is currently $114. I