
Left out those awesome HP ones, and the IdeaPads.

Somewhere in the middle of this a hacker was sitting fapping to all the access and the fresh botnet he created.

Agreed, the sheer sales number prove that it was deliberately not taken for the list. Because it is mathematically impossible to have this list by sheer basic extrapolation.

Right now in multi player there are guys who through investment of time, are more or less unstoppable gods, all of them can kill me with one shot with any gun. Most can take 3 bursts and a grenade and I would not have scratched their health and only 70% of armour.

So pretty much the message it clear spend major time,

Sounds like your machine is infected and you didnt notice, upgrade your AV.

So an idiot did not apply common sense, violated his contract and generally acted in a douche manner to a brand he works for and is surprised he was fired. And this is some how news worthy? lame.

Eric's purpose in life it to destroy the love of music, and to fill our ears with unholy hipster fucktard douche sounds until we die bleeding out of our ears.

"I just have no idea what I'm talking about in this post," Mario says. "I just wrote the words. I don't know what they mean." <=== Sounds like 99% of gizmodo's posts.

That is hilarious you should read the TOC for apple products.

Some what narcissistic viewpoint that norms on the internet tend to have, that a service is only valuable as long as no one makes any money from it. It is actually contrary to the original nature of the internet. But go with it. What ever though, it just means services will collapse, data will be lost, as more and

And has a sign Storage business on top of the garage.

I have Ipad's and Android devices ( I develop for both) I agree there are many more developers on Android and as such there are varying degrees of quality, not everyone in the world, is a world class developer or designer, look at open shite like wordpress and you realise that really quickly. Also agree with you viz

So we found 11 kids deeply lacking in character and substance and this is worthy of an article? wow that is impressively weak.

As any good apple fan would tell you, the fact that an ipad is technically inferior makes no difference, the fact that they have less features also makes no difference, because we live to suck what ever comes out of the cock of apple marketing.

Now playing

So if one disapproves of paedophiles, it is to justify one self not raping children as a good choice? Perhaps and this is just a matter of when one see's something something so disingenuous one is allowed to make fun of it.

It is the hippest thing in the world (For fucktards, fucktard is now spelt hipster.)

OMG he posted something that was not offensive to music, We should call the cops, Eric Limer might ahve been replaced by alien pod people, normally this should have been really shitty I mean dec hipster music. No wait at 1:05 it starts to sound like his sort of thing, he is safe. And then at 1:23 it gets better on

People for the most part are so complacent so moronic that it borders on the point of retardation, if people are too stupid to fact check before reposting or blabbing about things I think they deserve to be punked. Social networks are a spam ridden with bad knowledge, hippie medical fallacy, cancer babies, rumours of

Ok maybe some sort of cognitive bias is at play here, I ostensibly proved that apple malware is rife and easy for anyone to do to apple products and you summarily ignored it. So I think its best we agree that you are comfy in the apple distortion field, and that I am comfy in reality and we can be friends from polar