
I am sure wade robson, and the kid who settled out of court, or the 6 others his record label paid off may also agree to disagree with you.

Now playing

Yes because we should always glorify paedophiles,

I simply appreciate it for what it is. And its like going to be a big chain computer store, I go see what they have, then buy it direct from the distributor. Gizmodo is the same, I come for the pictures and I filter the bias.

And by the end of the last paragraph, you realise, that oh wait that trolling for commentary as a way to get discussion and repeat views, is exactly how gizmodo stays in business. It is all troll bait. Trolling for readers is the art that gizmodo has mastered. Set the cat among the pigeons or fan bois and watch he

Friedman IC: 1.7573 (kappa-plaintext: 0.0676) <= based on that it probably a cryptograhic phrase most likely english.

Ok so quick show of hands/Replies, what would you pay for Glass I would pay up to $250.

I was just taking the piss, out of fanboi central, the momment apple does anything its innovative, the momment anyone else does something its a copy.

I think its good that they are copying Amazon fire TV.

There will always be a girl with low enough self esteem to betray the human race and sleep with a hipster, thus potentially leading to the fucktards breading.

Well in my country, gym you get 2/3 discount per month. But I I was more replying to the previous comment, it's not like doctors do not tell patients to change lifestyle, patients do not like the idea.

But still a touch haptic fundementally, what my point.

And yet before any of that on many a Windows Mobile device I had a touch screen for years.

And yet before any of that on many a Windows Mobile device I had a touch screen for years.

Doctors have been prescribing that for years, people just refuse to do it.

So basically giving hipsters more places to sit outside for no reason, and also at the same time making it harder to tell them from homeless people. *insert 2BG youtube clip hipsters vs hobos here please.

If you are going to post architecture, why not post a few images instead of just one.

You left out Stefan Antoni

Humour... It was for comic relief. Set Phasers to stun.

I think the Author has it right, Tizen is a bargaining chip, you do not want to go to a new OS, because that means you would loose all the App's, Yes Tizen can emulate and run Android Apps, but only to a certain degree, and emulation comes with overhead which means battery consumption goes up.

Separately let's say