Craig Crestford

It's everyone's collective job to do their effort.

This was horrible. I couldn't make it past the first 1/3.

No argument there. She sounds nearly anime dubber level.

I thought Crysalis was meant to be boring. I don't watch American tv so I have no clue who any of those people even are.

3 and 6 are the best. "The Strike Visualizer Strikes Again" and "Lasers and Liars" Then 7 and 1. They're not all written by the same person btw which explains how uneven they are.

I think the whole cast chemistry keeps improving or I am getting used to them.

I'm happy with the way it ended, showing bad cops spoiling the punch with incomprehension and bullying. I know it's a parody and not all cops are like that, but it gave it a lot more drama.

I LOVE that we are now getting 3 musical numbers per episode, even if they are mostly terrible. Maybe they could partner with telefuture or some 80s synth label / band. I'd love to hear Le Cassette on this.

Also: "How can she afford those frames on a junior flameologist's salary?!"

The episodes are very uneven. I find it hard to believe it's all written by the same person.

There was nothing funny at all this episode. It was just "wacky". So disappointed. All the characters' personalities are too similar.

I don't find these any smarter than most original Romance comics I am rereading, in fact I find them dumber. It's funny they are disparaging them as fluff when the stories they are offering have terrible artwork and no discernible end goal. "Oh X is so dreamy, if only we could date" *extends no plot with nothing to

I give it a B b cause the vocoder / autotune on the male voice is just cheap. I'd rather have an honest off key singer with reverb. I like that they seemingly don't correct Radelet's singing with any software. I love everything about this. It's perfect. While it's true that it's long and repetitive, I find it easier

I love reverb it's like a god sent expand waistband when you have access to that decadent chocolate fountain at the olive garden.

I love reverb it's like a god sent expand waistband when you have access to that decadent chocolate fountain at the olive garden.