
Mmmmmmmm, Rheostatics. Count me in among the Rheo lovers!

There are almost more Newfoundlanders living in Fort McMurray than there are in St. John's. That would be why.

k.d. lang's been up and down over the course of her career, but her cover of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" put her back on the goddess track. Didn't hear the sushi thing.

Blecccccch. Though I'll admit I always hated I Mother Earth just that much more than Our Lady Peace.

To be marginally fair, there are a lot of places where Tim Horton's is the only game in town (e.g. when I'm driving home to visit my parents, past Waubaushene it's either Tim Horton's or no coffee at all — and even in Waubaushene the alternatives to Tim's aren't actually an improvement.)

Yeppers, SOTW. Also known as Canadian music's other fucking tragic gutpunch of 2016.

Post-2000, they had definitely lost a lot of the spark and were coasting more on reputation than anything else. In retrospect, they never really delivered a solid album after Day for Night in 1994 — the fact that the next two albums after that contained the two greatest individual songs of their entire career ("Ahead

I have the album, but I can't say it's ever exerted the kind of mystical pull on me that it has for so many others — I like it quite a lot, but that's never crossed over into obsession. It may be a factor of age: I'm in my 40s, so I'm old enough to have heard a looooooooot of music in my day that was important to me,

Second Coming is an excellent example of an album that's not even remotely as bad as it's made out to be, but rather is hated mainly for not being the utter classic that people were hoping for. I agree that a new NMH album, at this point, would probably also end up in that category.

To be fair, it can be hard to accurately judge an album right out of the gate on first listen — I love, or can at least tolerate, so many artists now that I absolutely hated when I was first exposed to them, and have lost interest in a lot of music that once really stoked my fire. Lots of music that was supposed to be

Get out of my head.

I'll give you a free hint here: sure, Stephen Colbert was about 50 when he did Comedians in Cars. Which means he was 34 when In the Aeroplane came out. Is that young enough to meet your "who's allowed to like what I like" approval, or does he have to have been 16 instead?

Yup. First time since I started watching this show that I can remember being completely pleased with the entire final four. (Last year I didn't give a rat's ass as soon as Katya was gone.)

The bar where I was watching applauded.

Well, Chi Chi has shown clear signs of adjusting her attitude in a more congenial and sportsmanlike direction as the competition progressed. MC doesn't, to me, necessarily require that the queen has been a perfect sportsman right from Day One, without ever having a bad day or an attitude slip — it can easily be used

Bob would also be a contender, if it weren't for the fact that he'll lose MC votes because I think most people at this point expect him to win the main crown…

Contender for sure…can't say I see her as a lock, though.

Also worth noting, there's more than one plausible contender for Miss Congeniality too — I'm personally leaning toward Chi Chi for that, but I can see at least two other queens giving her a run for the title. Which is also different from last year, when Katya was the no-brainer pick and nobody else even came close to

My bar didn't stand, but we definitely applauded.

To be fair Kim Chi's makeup is definitely stunning, some of the best and most creative I've ever seen, but you're right: if I'm going to see a drag show, I want all-around entertainment, and not just a look. Which is why Katya was by far my favourite last year, and why I'm leaning to Bob for the win now even though I