
Michael Harriot fails to mention a few realities. If a little, old white lady clutches her purse when walking down the street, being approached by a group of young black men, she is called a racist! Nobody on the Left ever talks about the uncomfortable reasons why this scenario is commonplace! Maybe the old lady is

They are not immigrants!

You could’ve admired the fact that these kids were hanging out together, but you had to turn it into a story which to lecture with! Teach them the story, rather than convey the image created in your own mind. I see no reason to shame innocent teenagers into walking on eggshells, because you associated a sinister act

Yes, she’s wrong for hurling a racial epithet, but I don’t understand why he kept following her! We only hear one side. I know people are going to give me shit, and maybe I don’t understand, but don’t fault me for wanting to reserve judgment! Legislating hate might make people feel better, but that won’t change any

I guess it all depends on your individual perspective! If you consider the label, black, as someone’s skin color, you may think Paris is deluded. If you consider the label as an identifying state of mind, you agree with Paris! I say live and let live! If Rachel Dolezal and Sean King want to consider themselves to