Craig Connery Brosnan Singh

Can’t stand it. The same names come up in every article and they rarely contribute anything to any discussion besides re-articulating what is already widely accepted by Jezebel readers. It’s like that Facebook friend who comments on an article about racism with “OMG WTF it’s 2017 how does this still happen?”

There are

Love this dude. He seems more like Southern Rock than Country.

And there are several of these ‘male feminists’ on this very site who post on every fucking thread trying to be every fucking top comment so they can pat themselves on the back and collect stars and feel like they are the elusive ‘good guy’. It’s always the most bottom of the barrel innocuous comment only designed to

“In the past—in Bush, Obama time—there was swift action and communication saying that this is unacceptable. We aren’t seeing any response from this administration.”


Your points are totally correct, but I mean it goes both ways. Some people on this thread are out to paint all Sikhs as martial, and responding pretty aggressively to people who are trying to get them to recognize their generalizations as broad generalizations rooted in a small amount of historical truth.

??? It’s hilarious that you think Kirpans aren’t ceremonial and that those who wear them all receive special training. That would involve a level of organization that far surpasses the abilities of most Sikh congregations that I have known. Trained to use them?? Everyone knows not to bring a knife to a gun fight, the

This is how white people decide whether it was horrible or just merely bad, that a member of your group was shot.

You’re being misleading. Sikhism is a peaceful, democratic religion founded on principles of equality. A major aspect of Sikhism (and one of the reasons for its inception) is the notion of defending the weak/persecuted. Sikhs are required to defend others, regardless of race, religion, etc., in the face of

As a Sikh person by birth but not by practice (although the rest of my family practices, my grandparents being some of the most religious people I have ever met), the people arguing over whether or not we are a peaceful people based on their reading of Wikipedia entries are going to drive me insane. Let’s just boil

You have got to be joking. I come from a huge Sikh family, and none of the men carry knives or would know how to fight with them. Are all Jewish people you know Orthodox? All Christian people virgins? All religions defined by the history section in their respective Wikipedia articles?

The area south of Seattle has a pretty good sized Sikh population, I really hope they find this asshole, so that our neighbors can worry less.

What’s it called when any brown looking person triggers your “Go back to your country” freak out?

Or just stupid and hateful, and offered social license to manifest their violent ideology by the highest office in the land;

“Sikhs are peaceful people as a part of their religion!”


He punked Jeb. But, yeah. It was basically picking a fight with the small, cognitively disabled kid in class.