Moment of Truth.
Moment of Truth.
Its been going on since before 9/11, its just more recognized. In the 70's and 80's Sikhs were attacked for being confused as Iranians (after the fall of the Shah). In the 80's and 90's, there were well known cliques or gangs (these were white dudes) who made it known they were attacking Indian Americans. In fairness…
As for the strawman,You chose to enter this discussion at the outset with a definitive statement on the character on a whole set of people based on, a citation to a military unit and some hapless bad actors. You get what you give. It was to point how ridiculous your definitive statement was in the face of the…
Dear Poodletime, Please do your Sikh friends a favor, talk with them them about their faith, experience or stay as far away from them as possible. You should understand their faith from their perspective and not from sweeping comments on the internet. And if these comments somehow change your opinion of “friends”, I…
What straw man? Generalizations are being made about a group of people while they are under particular threat from an environment of white nationalist sentiment. You and a number of posters have made the incredible logical leap that because some in the group maybe in the military or have “put in work” that somehow…
It is my mistake for making the assumption that only a white nationalist would choose to be so indecent to comment on the character of over 25 million people through the distortion of a subset of events to mark something about a larger group. Who knew that a Somali refugee who speaks Afrikaans and chose that for his…
Why choose Dutch if you are Somali?
Yeah, you might just have something there, Columbo. There is a rampaging sea of Sikh warrior saints wielding their Kirpans and just stabbing away all willy-nilly. Cherry pick a couple of instances from history and I’m sure I can find things to say about the “peacefullness” of any religion, race or creed. How about…
Hey Afrikaner, Apartheid Much? That is your ID isn’t it? Should we impute something from that? Would that be a distraction from your comment? A comment that one, with no other context than your ID, might assume is a distraction/diversion from the central point of this article: a US citizen was shot simply because he…
Jezebel has been doing some great work....but, if there was ever a time for a Jalopnik post, this would be it. There are very few things that are more American than a man working on his hooptie on a Friday night. Too bad America has decided that doing “American” things while being brown means you aren’t an American.
Whoa! I’m holding up minus 3 stars for you.
Next time y’all do this, lets talk about Scandal. What has happened to this show. Liv is a maniac. Do you think this is a result of what US Weekly says is the result of the implosion of her marriage to former football cornerback Nnamdi Asomugha. Its probably his fault, he was a Philadelphia Eagle after all. He was…
Late to this post, so, its probably going to be stuck in the greys, but, I felt compelled to respond because Sikhs go through enough discrimination in America and India that they don’t need another false narrative implied about them.
FWIW, without any patronizing tone, the positions you have taken are honorable and the price you paid professionally are more than appreciated. (at least by one person, me). Should Lebron do more? - Wouldn’t that be better served by his convictions rather than an internet mob asking him to turn in his blackness, if,…
I’ve never been comfortable with the idea of asking celebrity or “sports heroes” to be standard bearers for a cause or a movement. To my mind, it allows us in a small way to outsource our collective responsibilities for action on to a singular person. While he may have some impact, it to a certain degree allows people…
Beckham Bent By Bully Boys Brokeback Battiness
Yes, their religion does require them to wear it. If they are observant, they cannot choose to do so. That does not mean, that like most human beings, in an effort to calm a situation, they might do so. They shouldn’t have to debase their own beliefs simply because a random dude named Jimmy doesn’t know any better.…
The only person lying would be you. I wouldn’t normally feed a troll but there is a particularly nasty lie within your post that needs to be refuted. A Sikh’s turban is not a hat. The TSA knows this, the NYPD knows this, heck, even the NYDOC (Dept of Corrections) knows this. The TSA has specific policies when dealing…