
I don't think it was more about the weekend at all. The whole reason he went to revisit that lifestyle in the first place was from being shit on by Chuck and others in that "world" to the point where he hit the bottom.

Well I guess it's a good thing this is a comedy then.

Or when your jealous monkey-brother drops you on another planet because you would be better at taking the souls of the people on that planet and using them to revitalize an alternate, dying planet by feeding them to a tree than he would. You then have to stop your monkey-brother from starting wars, manufacturing an

Hmm, I don't think the church had much to do with Dycedarg's scheming, or Delita's either really? Dycedarg was just a big dickhole looking out for his own advancement, until he got that stone towards the end and then became part of the demon cabal.

Yeah, you summoned the demon bosses from Final Fantasy Tactics, which were rounded out to 12 (Tactics mentioned 12 based on the Zodiac but only had 6 I believe) with weird versions of previous final villains (Chaos, Exdeath, Zeromus etc.)

Maybe she's one of the people who isn't into the weird, loud production on it? It's an ear-hurting album, and sometimes I just can't do it. Still, the songs are so good that most of the time this doesn't stop me from loving it.

Nah, still a fan here. The AV Club commenter's seething hatred for the show is pretty silly. I can definitely see why some people don't like it, and that's cool but going nuts disparaging other people for liking something/rating it highly is incredibly stupid.

I think it did track back to the first book, in that Korra's specific personality flaws made her a poor Airbending student. Her experiences led to a growth in character that's tracked the whole time, even being kind of on-the-nose with that last convo with Tenzin.

DO IT. The rest of the tracks are nothing like the first single, it's totally different than anything else on the album. If you dug Vows at all, there's lots to love on The Golden Echo.

Seriously. Hell, four of the twenty albums on this list have Congleton produced records (Angel Olsen, St. Vincent, Cloud Nothings, Swans), five if you count his mixing job on Strand of Oaks. That's pretty damn impressive to have contributed to that many critically lauded albums in one year. I was surprised his name