

Feckless Corporate Assholes

Warum nicht beides?

It’s PhilAdelphia, TonA.

Good. The dealership model is an inefficient use of capital and real estate. Direct sales or bust.

GV80: Good Value 80" wide

CEO Reid Bigland

Taupe Notch

America doesn't build things like it used to...fortunately. 

>GM’s Cruise Self-Driving Car Company Is Up To Something, But What?

^^This comment is rated MPG-13.

Never meet your he-rose.

...visual cues that make you exclaim “Yowza!” when you [can’t] see [out of] it.

Sir, this is an Arby's.

“You built a TIME MACHINE...out of a SAAB?!"

“Huh!” -Elon Musk


A little bit quirky, a little bit thoughtful and a comfy place to idle away some time.

Ok, boomer.