
Mr Elkann, 42, one of Europe’s most high-profile industrialists

I'll "look into" my childhood and marvel at how little I knew. CP.

I'll "look into" my childhood and marvel at how little I knew. CP.

But why is it crying?

That’s for a W212. I’m talking W211. Don't actually want one, but a far better proposition for the money than this claptrap.

850C me buy a late 2000's AMG E-wagon instead. CP.

Customers Create Jobs

I’m disappointed my Caps couldn’t bottle them up after this strike. But we stayed grounded and controlled the flow through neutral—despite our European construction. It hertz tonight, but I’m confident we can flip the switch, get amped up, and consistently light the lamp in the playoffs.

They didn’t recognize him without the moustache. 

Fair enough, a German would call you ValMart Shoez.

Hi, Torch! Many of us don’t have garages. We street park our EV’s close enough to run a cable from the house/building. Not close enough to move the car, set up one of these, move the car back and reverse the whole process upon completion every time we want to charge.

“Burp-talker Elizabeth Holmes" is now the only way one may refer to her and an epically effective troll. Bra-vo.

Looks like he cracked it over the side of a Koenigspan.

I’m no Angel.”

The plot twist is that the *car* is leaving *him.* It's French.

Magin not a line to pass this. NP. 

Six angles and 24fps should've solved the problem here.

Freeze the rich. Then eat them.

Easy fix: apply Stand Your Ground laws to racist harassment in public. That'll thin the herd quickly.

If only to make Perspire/Expire jokes again.