He also retrieved that stick flat-footed.
He also retrieved that stick flat-footed.
Seriously, I love Elon, but he might be drunk for this.
Model Y won't you hire a real CEO?
Who’s ”Porsh?"
Fortunately, the Oilers also have a history of trading generational players.
>Jussie has a Tesla?
Now it’s *unfair* to pay the players, because then all these rich kids would just get...wait.
Make Avionics Great Again
Once the color scheme gives you a seizure, you can lie down in the full-length trunk!
That'll teach 'em (not to fund Jalopnik)!
Just kidding, gringos.
Corolla means “wild horse” in Spanish, so this checks out.
Alternatively, it saw the parasail and said, “Get back in your pouch, you ingrate."
“I told you he was too tall.” -Jimmy Breslin
Grab a W212 now (2012 or later for better engine) and it will be properly old money by the time you have kids. #TeamOldSoul
I believe it! Just drove one for a week as a rental. Loved it, especially the strong on-center steering. I find it harder and harder to justify the smoother ride that remains an older E-class’s last calling card.
I won’t un-grey this. I’ll just use it to remind everyone that shutting down a-holes is relevant to *everything.*
Feels more like a self-own.
I swoon for MB interiors (esp. the current E-class) and happen to find the Audi look too cold and clinical. The Hyundai approach feels like it adds a pinch of BMW to a pound of Audi, which is juuuust enough for me when combined with their massive materials upgrades of late.
As a lifelong German sedan devotee, I have to admit: I find the current mid-sized crop from Hyundai/Kia and Honda to be awfully compelling.