*Or* they’ll let it proceed as a normal murder trial and turn their attention to any of the many, actual race-based injustices committed in our country on the regular.
*Or* they’ll let it proceed as a normal murder trial and turn their attention to any of the many, actual race-based injustices committed in our country on the regular.
Come on, fellow white commenters, surprise me and don’t spin this into some All Lives Matter nonsense.
El-Bashir and Walker, of all people, should know how much trouble the Skins have with cover-2.
They got an entire construction team to work quickly—in Italy!
Let’s dispense with one fiction: Dan Snyder didn’t even “luck” into a bunch of money. He stole it.
I thought Ernie Grunfeld was the heel of this franchise.
“Hai!” the bosses said, so the American designers kept raising the grill.
Also, ironically:
The whole team is red-faced.
You can beat the piss out of your no-name girlfriend as much as you want. But question authority and you’re outta here!
Do you even drive, bro?
Not even gonna lie:
Old money wouldn’t let that slide.
Shut up and build more cars, Elon.
3rd Gear: “At least five vice presidents — half of Reuss’ direct reports”
Let's go all the way and eliminate government entirely, eh?
If Johnson showed that kind of emotion before kickoff, they'd blackball him.
From the venerable hockey-reference.com. Let it sink in.
As a DC lifer, I’m so enraged over this, my skin is blood red.