
Top THAT, you noodle-armed Pastafarians!

She'll work a two-ball count on the 2-hole, no doubt.

Of course she kept her legs too close together on the follow-thru.

Got a wig for his wig.

You’re not a REAL man unless you’re afraid of someone better than you.

[wrong post]

without aides 

This is exactly how Kevin Plank runs Under Armour, too.

Benjamin's so cold, he should wear #0.

“Who?” --Cam Newton, if he had knowledge

For the record, you've never asked me to stop.

Hey! I find Beltre handsome.

My 6-year-old has the same moves at bedtime.

He's miles ahead of the pack, man.

Sean Doesalot

Ichiro: You remind me of myself

Why stop when he retires? 

I think we’re *all* missing the point that we could have a 24hr Settlers of Catan channel!

“I was so wrong!” —John Rocker

Who’s the n-word* now, Papa John?!