
Ump: You got balls to come out here!

“Who?” -what I pray the Celtics employee said to whichever Ball called with the news

Owl see you Sunday night!

<zooms in>

“I married a man?!” —Tom Brady, not concussed

“You don’t see race? That’s great. Other people do, so I need your help to get rid of it.”

“He can’t make a choking motion? What a relief!”

Einstein didn’t come here just to see Wall blow it in Game 7.

Two boys, one Cup.

A bit rich coming from President Snow.

Gotta get the Ankiel of the glove down, lest the ball Knoblauch off of it, allowing the batter to touch all four Sax.

Fakie news.

Russian machine never breaks, but it’s only good for one cycle.

Russian Machine Never Breaks because it only has one cycle.

In Soviet Russia, press free YOU!

Dude is so WHIP’d.

*shows red card*

Too soon. Keep that joke in the closet.

“Harvey: Dent in story”