“Baseball man wonders why kids choose MMA in droves”
“Baseball man wonders why kids choose MMA in droves”
It’s almost like he hasn’t checked in on the Baltimore fanbase since 1992.
Sidney Crosby in a nutshell.
Who here among us
Pronounced ‘Guh-GAH’
Dog gone it.
If that dong is wong, I don’t wanna be white.
But wait, who is T-Nasty?!
“Blanket receiver,” also a Gruden defensive package.
He didn’t “make” a fortune, he just collected revenue and then didn’t pay his bills. My father, a DC-area attorney, sued Snyder Communications any number of times. Then Dan conned someone into believing his fake balance sheet, sold the company for a massive multiple, and here we are.
Hot, Take 1483. Action!
Sounds like a na-aa-aa-arcisit.
Wait, there’s a BIG Dustin Byfuglien?
“Did they call him Prime Time because he always ran out of stuff?” —millennials
All true. All indicative of not reading the last line of my comment.
History books will one day cite this as the deathknell of market-based capitalism:
Arian uber-mensch
More like Jung Ho Klang, amirite?
Bernie was not a serious lawmaker, he was and is an ideologue who never made any laws because he won’t compromise. I happen to share his ideology, I just prefer to have 40% of it in practice than 100% in fantasy.
With Democrats actually in power, things happen like massive health care reform at the federal level and a $15 minimum wage, mandatory sick days and free community college at the municipal level.