I don't think you actually understand what body-shaming means.
Or at least realize that half the point of cheese is the bacteria.
I am so confused by your rage. I can't even tell who you're raging against in this situation.
This is seriously the first time I have seen that series of symbols and realized it was a person shrugging. I always thought it was pubic hair and a penis between thighs. Is this an internet Rorschach test, and if so, did I fail?
Thanks EGR! The legend of Artem Chubarov grows to this day!
I've nearly been there. It's hilarious now but I thought I was going to die laughing.
One time when I was a teen I got high with one of my friends and we followed around this woman because we thought she was a witch because she was carrying a staff and dressed in a black trench coat with black makeup and wearing a weird hat but then I went up to her and asked her if she was a witch and she told me she…
One thing that gets on my nerves is women who won't let other women eat in peace. The ones that look at your plate always and watch everyone eat. If you have a salad, they shit on you for eating just a salad. If you eat pizza, they give you shit for eating pizza. "Are you really going to eat that greasy thing? Really,…
Thank you for bringing that beautiful gif in here and brightening up a dark and dire post.
Welcome back to Behind Closed Ovens, where we take a look at the best and strangest stories from inside the food…
Absolutely. I think part of the problem is the idea that the job is supposed to be the source for ALL of your fulfillment on every front. We should be talking more about building a dream life, and finding balance so that your career and the rest of your life exist in symbiosis.