
It was the music in that scene. It was incredibly unsettling, and I was expecting some kind of twist involving Maggie because of it. A really odd choice there (the music).

They did a pretty decent job with child welfare workers, too, for what it's worth.

I don't believe in holistic medicine.

Didn't lip pay off the receptionist at the DNA testing place to fake the results? IIRC, they were trying to do this to prevent Monica from taking Liam by proving that Frank was the bio dad.

His problems aren't that he has too many toxins (which is not a thing). His problem is that his liver is dying/dead.

it was a brand, not a tattoo. Mid back, between the shoulder blades.

The part I still don't understand is why Kevin is paying money to Stan's son at all. The reason didn't make any sense when they agreed to the payment plan, and it still doesn't. The bar was left to Kevin, and him offering money to Stan's son isn't exactly a legally binding situation, or in any way necessary.

Being a social worker and growing up poor, there's usually a part of every episode of Shameless that strikes me with just how much they get it right, and how scarily accurate the emotions are of people living in this kind of chaos. That moment in this episode was Fiona's lies and overreactions to her boss's

You've never worked a government job, have you? "Everyone just cashing a paycheck and one guy that loves showing up that everyone hates" seems like the most accurate description of the government that's ever been.