Mr. Mosty-Toasty, fka Cracklin' Oat Train

*BARF* You monster! Massholes have no heart...

Ha! I always appreciate a Hey, Arnold! reference.

Ugh, please, no! Fill out defense and support a bit more before we get yet another offense hero. Maybe more options in the other roles will dissuade some randos from only picking DPS all the time. A man can dream... T_T

I sure hope she’s a new hero, and I agree that defense needs a new addition. Support would also be acceptable.

Now playing

‘back up you creep, get away from me. I know you love to intimidate women but you can’t intimidate me, so back up.’

Yeah, reading that, I’m doubtful that calling him out would have helped her at all, as satisfying and deserved as it might have been.

Maybe “crier”, like a town crier.

Probably not, but maybe she will be in the future? That servant did seem oddly prominent in that shot.

I am somewhat relieved to hear this, because that Team Mystic YouTuber was absolutely insufferable. I get Fremdscham just thinking that anyone could find him funny or appealing.

I was a little discouraged when I completed my Articuno raid with only six premier balls, due to fainting/rejoining, but I managed to catch it on the third throw, so I guess I’m pretty lucky. Still waiting for an accessible Lugia raid, though...

I wasn’t able to watch too much of this run, as it was already quite late, but the couch commentary was terrific and made it hard for me to pull away. They did an awesome job. I will definitely return for the entire thing on YouTube.

Ha, that makes it sounds like a comic book sound effect.
“Biff!” “Scuh-BA!” “Kra-KOOM!”

Hm, I wonder if Jay Sekulow can read minds...

Haha, nice. Right, certainly no shame in that. :)

Oh, that’s right, haha! I’d say I’m about due to rewatch this entire series.

Hahaha! That gets me every time. It really is terrific TV. :)

Is your user icon from Peep Show? And is it when Jez suddenly makes a face during his job interview?

Great article! Is this guy the reason why so many of the Lucio randos I encounter never seem to switch to the healing beat? Are they trying to emulate him? It seems to have been getting worse recently, too.

Indeed he should.

Ha! I had forgotten about that picture. Such a knob.