Mr. Mosty-Toasty, fka Cracklin' Oat Train

Nice. I would imagine Roadhog’s hook gets blocked as well, but I haven’t seen for myself yet either.

Ugh. Last night we had a rando Mercy on our team who kept hitting the “Group up!” line, even when everyone was alive and as grouped up as could be. All this while she did a shoddy job of healing.

This was a revelation to me, and so useful once I figured it out. I’m only just learning how to play Orisa, but I can tell that timing this ability is going to be integral to success.

Awesome! Thanks for sharing. Monthly Hsu and Chan was one of the many great things about subscribing to EGM once upon a time.

I just finished the main story last night and Croft Manor today! It’s a pretty huge game, and very satisfying. Hoping to try Lara’s Nightmare and Cold Darkness DLCs this weekend. I hope any third game they might make in this line will match the quality of the previous two.

I finally finished the main story in Rise of the Tomb Raider last night, so I will probably try out some of the rest of the DLC. I’m also on track to complete the final bonus world in BoxBoxBoy this weekend. I sure hope that third game (and Amiibo!) comes Stateside soon...

Cripes, I am so tired of GamerGate troglodytes and their inferiority complex. I admire Alex and others for making something positive out of it, but they shouldn’t have to deal with so much of this immature garbage.

Yeah, I Honestly don’t know what to expect, but I’m hoping for action or RPG as well. I think I’d still be receptive if it turns out to be something else, though.

I love Odin Sphere and was pleased as punch to see a remaster. I hope a lot more people check it out with that discount. I’m curious to see what Vanillaware’s next game is like, too. The one with mechs.

I’m definitely going to put some more time in with Rise of the Tomb Raider before the next highly-anticipated bow-and-arrow action game drops. :) I’m really looking forward to Horizon: Zero Dawn and want to make sure I have some time to start playing it shortly after it arrives.

Other than that, I might fit in a little

Glad you enjoy it! I don’t know about tiers, but the Pinking Shears is one of my favorite active items. As far as passive items go, big ones like Brimstone and Godhead are tops for me, haha.

Now playing

I really wanna try these games out; Cryptozoic has already made a very favorable impression on me with Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: Duel at Mt. Skullzfyre.

Thank you. Narwhals are so cool.

He’s got business interests there, so it’s cool.

I think not! Spooky...

And this is Nermal.

I’ve really enjoyed the new quick play, but the problem I’ve had lately is matchmaking throwing us into a skirmish, even though my friends and I had all turned the skirmish mode off in our settings. We sometimes end up wasting more time in skirmishes than actually playing. Do you know if something has changed with

Cutting off your own toe or heel shows real dedication.

Okay, cool! I may have to check that out.

Thanks for the tip!