Mr. Mosty-Toasty, fka Cracklin' Oat Train

Oh, I hope they do.

Actually, I'm not very certain about the production of that one. I've only had it during a brewery open house this past winter. It's possible that they do not yet make it available for sale at liquor stores, but I'm almost certain that I've seen it offered at a few Boston-area bars.

Haha, both would be pretty awesome. But I wonder how much of the screen the Yahg would take up.

Whoa, confetti cake? I gotta try that.

Have you every tried their Chocolate Cherry Bock? Soooo, so good. I'd never thought of it before, but I bet that would go pretty well with ice cream, too. Oh, man...

I'm confused: Quarian Infiltrator and Engineer are already existing classes. Or might they be variations on those classes, like the Asari Justicar and Krogan Battlemaster are? I'm also curious to know what Phoenix means here.

Spider reproduction, I assume.

I really wish I could watch this series. I still like to follow discussion of the latest episodes, because I like hearing how they differ from the books, and I enjoy hearing other people's speculation for the future of the story and the characters when they don't know what is to come. It's kind of refreshing. :)

Baby carrots seem to work pretty well.

Yeah, I was shocked. I mean, I haven't even seen the movie, and I got the joke.

Hoo, boy. I knew this contest was going to be a winner, and you guys really came through in spades. Some of these are absolutely hilarious!

Nice! I plan to make my way through the fifth world today. Have you found the four Sacred Children already?

Ha, nice catch.

Who else has played Wizorb? I've been playing it on 360 lately, and I love it. For some reason I just really like Arkanoid-type games, even though I'm not particularly good at them. But this game's got some awesome music and a delightful 8-bit aesthetic. Plus, the story and RPG elements are kind of fun.

Oh, no! That's a bummer. :(

Gods be good, that is a freaking nightmare. How horrifying to be that cricket...

Lol, unipanda, uniwolf, et al don't make sense. Unicorn is a combination of "one" and "horn". But considering how awesome the entire game is, I suppose I'll let it slide.

It's pretty apparent that you two are enjoying yourselves. That, in turn, makes the articles more enjoyable to read. :) And I think so far you guys have chosen some great topics that work real well in that sort of discussion format. I'm looking forward to the next one!

Yes, hopefully everything will turn out to have been for the better. But as it stands now, I guess I just don't understand how the reasoning behind the transition meshes with what is currently there. Work in progress, I suppose. I am glad, however, that they've replaced the live feed with an "All" tab and expanding

Really? There's going to be more Whitney? I had seen one or two of the early episodes when I had left the TV on after the rest of the Thursday night lineup, and it was pretty cringe-worthy. The jokes just seemed to fall flat, which made the laugh track seem even more out of place, and the show simply wasn't any good.