Mr. Mosty-Toasty, fka Cracklin' Oat Train

I think Beedrill might be my favorite. But Charizard and Kadabra are right up there, too.

This Manly Guys Doing Manly Things arc is feeling kind of drawn-out. I think she should just resolve it soon and move on to the next one.

Yeah, I had to do a double take on that one. Just...Goddammit... (-_-)

Dang, now I wish I had started looking into the Beastie Boys' music earlier. I mean, I've always liked whichever songs of theirs I happened to hear ("Sabotage" and "Intergalactic" being the most notable, partly because of their accompanying music videos), but to my shame, I never really bothered to investigate

I'm not very far, either, but I, too, was pretty taken aback when she got done in. When I had originally seen the line-up of characters, I figured she would be one of the main party members. And during that scene I kept thinking, "But she'll be fine, right? Right?! ...Nope."

I'm a little surprised I remember this, but there was a Beanie Baby crab named Claude. I don't think he was half as horrifying as this guy, though.

This video seems like something that would be featured on Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!

Yeah, Double Dash!! I've done that once ever. It felt like such an accomplishment. My roommate's profane cries of disbelief when he failed to strike me down only made it sweeter.

That looks all kinds of frustrating. Probably not the game for me.

Hard to believe she's 44 years old. :( Why would you do that to yourself?

Oof. That is a very rough-looking 44-years old. Folks, don't tan unnecessarily. Heck, don't tan at all.

Ever try green tea? It seems to do a good job for me. Though, I suppose it might not be as convenient as the other options.

Huh. No jokes yet about how GameStop has been robbing customers on trade-ins for years and the police never got involved?

Yeah, I never really gave them a chance, but now I really want to see them. Maybe I'll look into those Blu-rays. And maybe my friends will have a marathon viewing with me or something, haha.

I hear it's the most dangerous game.

"You called down the thunder, well now you've got it. You see that? It says 'United States Marshal'. [...] The bandits are finished, you understand me? I see a Yankees cap, I kill the man wearin' it. So run, you cur. Run! Tell all the other curs the law's comin'. You tell 'em I'm comin'!... And Hell's comin' with me,

You know, I'm not entirely sure. When the movies first came out, I was too young for them. And after that, I guess it was like they had been around so long that what I saw of the imagery seemed to lose its horror for me, and I just wasn't interested. I guess I really missed out. But now I want to give the movies their

Nothing embarrassing about that (apart from your misremembering it :-P)! The name certainly does bring fish to mind, though.

Oh, no. :( That's embarrassing.

Wow, six months of correcting him? Ugh. It really shouldn't be that difficult, haha.