I'm sorry, but that header picture makes Jonathan Blow look like Beaky Buzzard.
I'm sorry, but that header picture makes Jonathan Blow look like Beaky Buzzard.
I have to go with Cheez-Its. I'm hopelessly addicted to them. I try to exercise moderation, so I actually don't buy them too often, but when I do, it's not unusual for the box to be gone within 24 hours. I told you, it's bad. But they are oh, so good.
For some reason I was under the impression that they would be disabled for only a day, but it's been, what, a week? However, I'm not sure where I got that from, so I may have just made that up.
Yes, I'm afraid so. They already got rid of them on Gawker last week or so. And I assume it will spread to the sister sites, because every other redesign has. However, commenting still appears to be disabled on Gawker, so maybe they are experiencing some difficulties and delays.
My guess is it has something to do with getting rid of commenter stars, which has already happened on Gawker. I had had this problem the last time they had done something to the commenting system (God only knows what) a few months ago, and it took a while to clear up. Now it's happening again for me, but it seems to…
Exactly! It's like it somehow creates solidarity between the two. I love it.
"Scrabble-Dabble Theatrythm" gave me a good laugh. :)
I'm afraid I failed to include a spoiler warning in my post about Journey below. I'm really sorry about this and recommend that you avoid the post if you haven't played yet. In short, the game is beautiful and amazing and even better if you meet someone along the way.
Shit. It completely slipped my mind. I'm sorry...
I played Journey last night, and it was pretty awesome. The scenery and atmosphere were just beautiful, and the mood was very contemplative. I liked how both the sand and the snow offered resistance to each footstep, which somehow seemed to imbue forward progress with more determination and importance. I eventually…
Exactly. I definitely equate it with "jerk". And it's gender-neutral. Very useful! Who ever said it was a bad word? :-P
Haha, thank you!
I'm not sure how many people think of the term "asshole" as originating from a derision of anal sex. I guess I've always thought the sting of the insult lay in the fact that it was equating a person to a dirty, smelly nether region of the human body that excretes feces. I'm highly suspect of the former explanation,…
That's not true... That's impossible! :'(
Jabberjaw! Nyuk nyuk nyuk.
Alright, the video was pretty funny.
Hahaha, that video kills me everytime. I love Tim and Eric. :)
I agree. And I feel the same about political ads. I mean, are you really that great of a candidate if you have to resort to smearing the other ones? Seems kind of weak to me, and it actually turns me off to that very candidate. But then again, they all do it (or at least, their ad campaigns do), so I dislike them all!
Even disregarding that I knew there was some indoctrination theory floating about, I could tell that there were a few things that were off about the game, and the events leading up to the end in particular. First of all is that child that Shepard fixates on throughout the game. I don't know how Anderson couldn't have…
I finally reached the end of Mass Effect 3 last night, and I can definitely see why people would be disappointed, or at least desirous of a bit more clarification. I'm a little confused, but I'm also inclined to believe that there's more to the ending than what's on the face of it.