Mr. Mosty-Toasty, fka Cracklin' Oat Train

I don't make the rules, man - I was just tryin' to help you out! :-P

I watched A Goofy Movie this weekend for the first time in years. Man, I don't know why I've gone this long without seeing it, because I loved that movie when I was a kid, and I still do. And the songs are just fantastic.

Kotaku goes by EST.

Hmm. It's not this guy, is it?

One time in Double Dash!! I managed to dodge a blue shell. Just a quick sidestep and a boost, if I recall correctly. It was amazing. However, I haven't been able to replicate it since.

I got some Raisin Bran Crunch up ins.

Hahaha, I remember learning about that. It's so sad to think of a woman being referred to as a Christmas Cake.

Yup, apparently. They haven't been doing a great job communicating that to everyone.

Well, PAX East is quickly approaching, and I am becoming proportionally giddier. Who else is going? This'll be my first gaming expo, so I'm pretty excited. I've been perusing the schedule to see which talks and events I'd like to attend, and I'm having a hard time deciding. So many of them sound interesting, but they

So, in this case would it be appropriate to say instead that evidence is pooling?

I can't figure it out, either...

Ha, nice.

I'm kind of proud of how close I got my ME3 Shepard to look like the one whose face I couldn't import. In fact, I like some parts of the new face better, though that may be because the customization has been improved over ME. The hair's a little darker, but that's fine. And the cheeks sometimes look a bit gaunt, but

If Dr. Seuss' The Sneetches has taught us anything, it's that the best kind of commenters have stars upon thar's.

Haha, yeah, I know. But they still refer to each other as she. The asari that you propose, however, would be...interesting to see.

That's pretty sweet. Samara always struck me as a very proud and handsome woman. That combined with her cool demeanor and calm disposition made her very attractive for me, both aesthetically and character-wise. Her justicar armor is also just plain awesome.

Hahaha, his immediately occurred to me, as well. It's brilliant.

This documentary is really interesting so far, but that intermittent high-pitched noise in the video is starting to get to me. Ouch.

Is that Julia Roberts or Jennifer Garner? The two tend to look similar to me.